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1. Tourism and Nature Look at the words below. Are there any words that you don’t understand? Can you guess what they mean? Q1. Now, classify them to 3 types: Wildlife Tourism: Nature Tourism: Adventure Tourism: Q2. Can you think of any other activities for each of these types? Now, read Maria’s postcard together… Q3. What kind of holiday did Maria have? Did she enjoy her holiday? Why do you think so? Q4. Reflect on two or three recent holidays you had. Where did you go? 2. Ecotourism * * Adventure Racing 冒险比赛 River Rafting 漂流 Spelunking 洞穴探险 Swimming 游泳 Whale/Dolphin Watching 观看鲸或海豚表演 Repelling 滑板 Beach bumming 海岸漫步 Listening to Nature 倾听自然 Sustainable Tourism 耐力旅游 Bungee Jumping 蹦极 Photo Safari 摄影旅游 Surfing 冲浪 Going to zoos 参观动物园 Archaeological Tours 考古旅行 Alternative Tourism 自主旅游 Fishing/Hunting 钓鱼/狩猎 Trekking 长途跋涉 Bird Watching 观鸟 Scuba Diving 潜水 Cultural Tours 文化之旅 Canopy Walking 林荫漫步 Shell Collecting 收集贝壳 Looking at Flowers 赏花 Collecting Insects 收集昆虫 Whale/Dolphin Watching 观看鲸或海豚表演 Going to zoos 参观动物园 Bird Watching 观鸟 Shell Collecting 收集贝壳 Looking at Flowers 赏花 Collecting Insects 收集昆虫 Swimming 游泳 Beach bumming 海岸漫步 Listening to Nature 倾听自然 Sustainable Tourism 耐力旅游 Photo Safari 摄影旅游 Archaeological Tours 考古旅行 Alternative Tourism 自主旅游 Fishing/Hunting 钓鱼/狩猎 Trekking 长途跋涉 Scuba Diving 潜水 Cultural Tours 文化之旅 Canopy Walking 林荫漫步 Adventure Racing 冒险比赛 River Rafting 漂流 Repelling 滑板 Spelunking 洞穴探险 Bungee Jumping 蹦极 Surfing 冲浪 What is the ideal holiday for you? Where will you go? Who will you go with? How important are “holiday” and “leisure time” in you life? 2.1 What is Ecotourism? Q5. Write your own definition of ecotourism… 有目的地前往自然地区去了解环境的文化和自然历史,它不会破坏自然,而且它会使当地社区从保护自然资源中得到经济收益。 Q6.Do you think that the goals of ecotourism can be achieved? Why? Why not? Q7.What do you think are the ethical issues of ecotourism? 生态旅游对游客的要求: 在参观一个地方之前,要了解当地的自然和文化特点。 尊重访问目的地的文化,不要将自己的文化价值观强加于人,要尊重当地的风俗习惯。 不接近、不追逐、不投喂、不搂抱、不恐吓动物. 不采集受保护和濒危的动植物样品。 不购买、不携带被保护生物及制品。不丢弃垃圾、不污染


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