中国的市政垃圾管理和我们看到的机会Domestic Solid Waste Management in China and Potential ....ppt

中国的市政垃圾管理和我们看到的机会Domestic Solid Waste Management in China and Potential ....ppt

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* ARTELIA * * ARTELIA * SOMMAIRE * ARTELIA * * ARTELIA * * ARTELIA * * ARTELIA * DATE MONTANT DES TRAVAUX CLIENT * ARTELIA * PRESTATIONS DATE CLIENT * ARTELIA * Domestic Solid Waste Management in China and Potential Opportunities Observed 中国的市政垃圾管理和我们观察到商业机会 LI Wanshan, ARTELIA CHINA 阿德亚中国,李万山 Shanghai, 2012年10月 Who is ARTELIA ? 介绍阿德亚集团 Domestic Solid Waste Management in China 中国的垃圾管理 Future Domestic Solid Waste Generation in China 中国未来的垃圾产量 Development Trend of Domestic Solid Waste Management in China 中国市政垃圾管理的发展 Issues We Detected in the Domestic Solid Waste Business in China 我们发觉在市政垃圾管理方面存在的一些问题 Founded in 1923 with name of “Laboratoire Dauphinois d’Hydraulique” with major business of river maritime model study. 成立于1923年,当时的名字为“道费诺瓦水利实验室” 。主要从事河流和海岸方面的模型研究。 Name was changed to “SOGREAH” in 1958 with business expanded to consultancy service covering infrastructure development and environment service in the world wide. 1958年改名为”索格利“,业务扩展到基础设施开发和环境服务在内的工程咨询服务。 In 2010, SOGREAH merged with COTEBA – another French consultants firm. The group name was changed to ARTELIA with major business expanded to: domestic industrial buildings; urban development transportation; water environment; project implementation managment, etc.. 到2010年,SOGREAH和另外一个法国咨询公司COTEBA合并,改名为”ARTELIA”. 同时,业务扩展到:城市建筑以及工业建筑;城市发展及交通;水和环境;项目实施以及管理, Artelia Group and Its Chinese Subsidiary 阿德亚集团和它在中国的子公司 Artelia Group 阿德亚集团 ARTELIA in the World 阿德亚集团在世界范围的分布 The Chinese staffs are in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing – three cities 中国的员工分布在上海,广州和重庆三个城市 . Artelia Group and Its Chinese Subsidiary 阿德亚集团和它在中国的子公司 The Domestic Solid Waste in China is being managed by following “City appearance and environmental sanitation management regulations” and its related acts issued in different cities 中国的市政垃圾的管理,依据的是国务院颁发的“城市市容和环境卫生管理条例”,以及各个城市制定的具体实施细则; At the municipal level, there is municipal sanitation bureau or city management bureau, who are in ch



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