人教版英语Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came SectionB.ppt

人教版英语Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came SectionB.ppt

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SectionB 1a—1d Studying goals: 1. Learn the new word and expression: realize; make one’s way 2. Learn the listening strategy: make predictions. 3. Use “when” and “while” to tell a story. When you came into the classroom, I was… While they were taking photos , I was… Let’s learn Sports Day Art Festival Birthday Party Class I was late for /couldn’t go to… Because… When/While… Tell a story: Last …, I was late for/ couldn’t go to… I was late/ couldn’t go because… When/While… 1a 1b Listen and write short answers to the questions. 1. What event happened at the school yesterday? 2. Who missed the event? 3. Which team won at the event? The school basketball competition. Kate. John’s team. Prediction: What kind of event is it? (预测) 1c Listen again. Number the events [1-6] in the order they happened. ____ Kate saw a dog by the side of the road. ____ Kate got to the bus stop. ____ Kate called the Animal Helpline. ____ Kate left the house. ____ Kate waited for someone to walk by. ____ Kate realized her bag was still at home. 1 2 3 4 5 6 knew or understood in a sudden forgot at once saw just now /ri:?la?z/ ★ John: Hey, Kate, why weren’t you at the school basketball competition yesterday? I called you so many times, but you didn’t answer. Kate: Sorry, John. I left my phone at home. John: What were you doing at the time of the competition? Kate: Well, I left my house late and when the competition started, I was still making my way to school. John: Then what happened? Kate: When I got to the bus stop, I realized that my bag was still at home! John: But why didn’t you just go home to get your bag? Kate: I did, but while I was running back home, I saw a dog by the side of the road and it was hurt. John: Oh, so I’m sure you helped the dog. I know how much you love animals. Kate: Yes, I wanted to call the Animal



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