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大跨度轻钢结构事故分析 作者:xxx (xxxxxxx xxxxxx学院,陕西 西安 710064) 摘要The Analysis on Accident of Large Span and light Steel Structure LI xxxxxxx (School of Structure,Chang an university,Xi‘an 710064,Shanxi) Abstract: In order to increase the drifting snow disaster resistant ability of steel structure of lightweight building and to avoid and reduce similar safety accidents happened The sources of damage of large span light steel structure in Weihai of Liaoning and Southern China snow storm disaster are investigated and analyzed in combination with a large amount of engineering examples Scene influencing factors such as overload conditions of snow load limitations of problems existing in structural design and engineering constructions usage and management of large span light steel structure are summarized in this paper The investigations show that the reasons for the accident are various and quite complicated Snow storm disasters are direct reasons for the accident of large span light steel structure There are many potential safety hazards in the process of design construction installation and application of large span light steel structure which are inherent causations for the accidents .Therefore same suggestions with regard to relating codes design construction installation and application of large span light steel structure are put forward . Keyword: large span light steel structure; snow disaster; snow load ;accidents hazard Disaster;prevention suggestion; 0 引言  大跨度轻钢结构是目前国内外应用和发展速度最快的结构形式之一在半个多世纪的发展中大跨度轻钢结构的应用越来越广泛在体育馆厂房住宅办公楼等建筑中得到广泛的应用而且形成了工业化的生产体系然而国内外因风雪灾害引起大跨度轻钢结构的破坏事故经常发生造成了巨大的经济损失和人员伤亡。近年来全球气候的恶化尤其是我国近些年的雪灾不断造成大跨度轻钢结构事故接连发生,大跨度轻钢结构抗风雪灾害能力的研究刻不容缓笔者对大跨度轻钢结构建筑的风雪灾害事故进行调查结合工程实例问题进行调查分析提出相应的预防措施及解办法。 1 前言 事故发生经过   威海市某区某洗涤机械厂为私营企业,该厂房为南北三跨,每跨14m,总宽为42m,东西长为78m,建筑面积3300m2。1995年建成,2005年威海市12月的持续降雪使厂房顶部积雪激增,但厂方并未及时安排人力进行清理,导致其屋面荷载过大,当时设计缺陷暴露,最终厂房发生垮塌。造成重大经济损失和人员伤亡。 2 事故发生原因分析 2.1 外界天气方面 2.1.1 雪荷载过大 根据国家荷载规范 威海地区建筑



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