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1 The rotor (rotating member) in an electric motor has rotational inertia, and a torque is required to bring it up to speed when the motor is started. If the motor shaft is rigidly connected to a load with a large rotational inertia, and the motor is started suddenly by closing a switch, the motor may not have sufficient torque capacity to bring the motor shaft up to speed before the windings in the motor are burned out by the excessive current demands . A clutch between the motor and the load shafts will restrict the starting torque on the motor to that required to accelerate the rotor and parts of the clutch only. 电机的转子(转动件之一)是有惯性的。当电机启动时,需要一个力矩使转子提升速度。如果电机轴与负荷是刚性连接,就会有更大的惯性。这样,电机在还没有足够的力矩使转子提升到一定速度,可能就被过电流烧毁了线圈。在电机和负荷之间的离合器,会限制启动转矩来保证有足够的力矩只加速转子和离合器。有些机床,可以非常方便的在电机连续运转时,通过操作离合器来启动或停止机器的。separated, it is necessary that the pressure within the lubrication film balance the load on the sliding surfaces. If the lubricating film’s pressure is supplied by an external source, the system is said to be lubricated hydro-statically. If the pressure between the surfaces is generated as a result of the shape and motion of the surfaces themselves, however, the system is hydro-dynamically lubricated. This second type of lubrication depends upon the viscous properties of the lubricant. 为了把零件隔离开,润滑膜中的压力必须和作用在滑动面上的负载(荷)保持平衡。如果润滑膜的压力是由外部来源提供,该系统被认为是流体静压润滑。如果润滑表面之间的压力是由于滑动面本身的形状和运动所共同产生的,这种系统就称为流体动压润滑。第二种润滑与润滑剂的粘性密切相关。 3 The material must resist deformation and fracture. Hardness must be balanced against elasticity. The frame must withstand impact, yet yield under load without cracking or permanently deforming. The frame material must eliminate or block vibration transmission to reduce oscillations that degrade accuracy and tool life. It must withstand the hostile shop-floor environment, including the newer coolants and lubricants. Material expansion must be understood (in order) to minimize forces needed to move slides. The material must not build up too much heat, must retain its s


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