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Introduction to Law 法学概论 History of Marxism Philosophy Development 马克思主义哲学发展史 General History of China 中国通史 Construction of Chinese Socialism 中国社会主义建设 College English Band 1 大学英语一级 Physical Education 体育 Guangdong Language 粤语 Introduction to Literary Theory 文学概论 Creative Writing 基础写作 Writing of Article 文体写作 History of the Contemporary Chinese Literature 中国当代文学史 Seleced Works from Chinese classical Literature 中国古代文学作品选 Introduction to Journalism 新闻学概论 Principles of Computer and Applications 计算机原理及应用 History of Modern chinese Literature 中国现代文学史 History of classical Chinese Literature 中国古代文学史 Foreign Literature 外国文学 Principles of Aesthetics 美学原理 Selected Readings of Marxist-Lininist Literary Works 马列文艺论著选读 Classical Chinese Literature 中国古代文学 History of Chinese Journalism 中国新闻史 Interviewing in Journalism 新闻采访学 Writing in Journalism 新闻写作学 Foreign Journalism 外国新闻事业 Journalism Management 新闻事业管理 Newspaper Editing 报纸编辑学 Review and Writing in Journalism 新闻评论写作 Press Photography 新闻摄影 lntroduction to Public Relations 公共关系学概论 Television Broadcasting Science 广播电视学 C Programming Language C程序设计语言 Judicial Photograph 司法摄影 Graduation Thesis 毕业论文 Art and Culture Studies 艺术文化学 The methodology in Literature and Art studies 文艺学方法通论 Psychology of Literature and Arts 文艺心理学 The science of Management of Literature and Art 文艺管理学 History of the western Aesthetics 西方美学史 The western Contemporary Aesthetics 西方当代美学 Modern Literature Trends 当代文学思潮 The Study of Wen Xin Diao Long 《文心雕龙》研究 The selected Readings from Chinese Classical Literary Theory 中国古代文论选 Study of Chinese Classical Literary Theory 中国古代文论专题 The methodology of Chinese Classical Criticism 中国古代文学批评方法论 The Study of Literary Thoughts of Han Dynasty 汉代文学思想研究 Quantum Mechanics and Modern Physics 量子力学与近代物理 The Study of Dun Huang 敦煌学 The Study of Folklore of Dun Huang 敦煌民俗学 The Study of Popular Literature of Dun Huang 敦煌俗文学 Chinese Folk literature 中国民间文学 Chinese Classical Documents 中国古典文献学 Selected Readings from Modern Chinese Literature 中国现代文


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