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从《婚姻法司法解释三》引起的文化碰撞看私权神圣性 摘要 一部着眼于指导法官审判的司法解释(《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国婚姻法〉若干问题的解释(三)》,简称《婚姻法解释三》),竟然为何能够引起如此大的社会震动,成为法律界来至于整个社会的热议。其中所折射出来的一些关于文化传统方面的问题,值得我们好好的去思考和研究。就在这场文化碰撞中,私权又被人民广泛的提及。私权的神圣性和私权领域的意思自治特性向来都是时髦而敏感的话题,在《司法解释三》出台后,这一些列话题又再次被推上风口浪尖,成为老百姓茶余饭后的谈资。与以往不大相同的是,《司法解释三》不仅仅成为人们热议的话题,更是实实在在的改变了许多的人的生活,改变了许多人秉持已久的家庭文化观念。面对着《司法解释三》给我们带来的一系列观念上的冲击,舆论褒贬不一。其带来的文化碰撞,不仅冲击着人民的思想观念,更是给整个私权领域的带来了极大的冲击。作为法律专业学者,有必要用自己的专业知识去剖析这里面的深层次问题。 关键词:婚姻法司法解释三 私权神圣 文化碰撞 Abstract A focus on guiding the judicial interpretation of judges (the Supreme People's Court on the application of People's Republic of China marriage law problems of interpretation (three), short of the marriage law explains three), why can cause so much of society, and become the buzz of the legal profession to society as a whole. Reflected by some of the issues on cultural traditions, and we have to think about and research. In this culture clash, private rights is widely referred to by people. Sanctity of private rights and private rights of autonomy in the field properties was always stylish and sensitive topic in the judicial interpretation after the introduction of the third, this topic has once again pushed the air waves, as people gossip to talk about. Quite different from before is that the judicial interpretation of three not only become the hot topic, it is real has changed the lives of many people has changed many people adhere to long-standing cultural concepts of the family. Facing the judicial interpretation of three gives us a series of ideas on the impact of public opinion with some. Its cultural impact, not only hit people's ideas and concepts, but also to the whole field of private rights have a tremendous impact. As a legal scholar, it is necessary to use your expertise to an analysis of that deep-seated problems. Key words:Judicial interpretations to the marriage law of three Sacred private rights Cultural collision 目 录 摘要 1 Abstract 2 前言 1 一、私权简介 1 二、我国


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