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题目 :住宅楼设计
学 院: 土木工程学院
专 业: 土木工程
学 号:
职 称:
二O一三年 月 日本次毕业设计的为消防大队住宅楼设计,采用框架结构体系设计主要包括建筑设计、结构设计和施工组织设计三大部分。对于建筑设计,基于给定的设计资料,对建筑造型进行设计,对各功能区进行分布和尺寸确定,运用AutoCAD软件绘制出主平面图、立面图、剖面图及部分详图。对于结构设计,在参考相关规范及其他相关文献的基础上,主要进行电算和手算,并将两者结果进行对比。电算主要是对整体结构进行计算分析,由PKPM软件完成。手算主要对部分构件进行计算分析,其中进行了一榀框架的计算、楼梯和基础的设计计算。在电算和手算的基础上,运用AutoCAD软件进行了施工图的绘制。
The work for this gradutaion design is architectural, structural and construction design of the fire brigade residential building in Nanjing. It is situ concrete frame structure.
This graduation contains three main parts which are architectural design,structural design andconstruction design. The building model has been designed and all rooms have been arranged based on the given design literatures. The dimension has been decided. After that, plan, elevation and sectional drawings and detail structural drawings have been finished by using AutoCAD software. For the sturctural design, calculation by PKPM software and hand have been done and the results have been compared on the basis of the standards and othe references. Electircal calculation is mainly for computing and analyzing the whole structure which is finished by PKPM software. However,hand calculation is mainly for analyzing the components of the building. A typical frame of the building have been calculated including one stair and one foundation. In addition, the construction drawings have been drawn by AutoCAD software according to the PKPM calculation results and hand calculation results. Construction design mainly for the construction processes and procedures design of the construction process, and draw a construction Gantt chart and simple construction floorplan.
Keywords: structural design, seismic design, construction design, PKPM, AutoCAD
目 录
目 录 1
前 言 1
1 绪论 2
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