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摘要 本文目的是开发出一套纱线恒张力控制器,此控制器在纺织行业的许多工艺中得到应用,例如织布、缠绕、扭曲、绕线、纺织以及染色等,以解决在纺织行业中,因为实际张力不恒定造成的低质量和低效率问题。通过把纱线的张力设定在一个期望的水平,并且保证它不会在任何纱线位置随时间而改变;并实时监控纱线的实际张力并与期望值相比较,从而对纱线张力调整。以解决纺织工业中纱线张力小、变化快,造成张力难以实现实时控制的问题,从而提升纺织工业的纺织品的质量和生产率。 在MATLAB中完成了参数自整定遗传算法优化的模糊PID控制器,并对输入数据进行测试。硬件部分包含张力测量,张力调节及设备产品外形设计等三大模块。软件设计包括张力控制系统遗传算法主程序、A/D转换程序和位置检测及直流电机驱动子程序。张力控制过程中张力调节模块根据张力测量模块测得张力数据,数据经过与设定值比较后,其误差和误差变化率作为输入量,然后利用以遗传算法来对PID控制器参数进行自适应调整,并生成输出控制量改变直流无刷电机转速,从而对纱线中的张力进行控制,此设计解决了纺织过程中纱线张力小和张力变化速度快所带来的纱线张力难以控制的问题。 最后,通过MATLAB中的simulink仿真进行分析验证所设计系统的性能,并对实验组采集的波形进行分析,实验结果表明,电机运行时具有良好的动态和静态性能,张力控制系统能实现纱线张力基本稳定。 关键词:纱线张力测量,张力调节,PID控制器,模糊控制,遗传算法,MATLAB Abstract the purpose of this paper is to develop a set of yarn tension controller, the controller was designed to apply in many processing in the textile industry,such as weaving,winding,twisting,and dyeing,to address the problem of low quality and low efficiency because of the inconstant real tension. By setting the tension of yarn at a desired level and guarantees that it will not,in any yarn position ,change over time;and in order to adjust yarn tension,we have to monitor real-time the real tension of yarn and compared it with expectation level, and to solve the problem that yarn tension is hard to control in real-time,causing by the tension of small and quick change.So as to enhance the quality and productivity in the textile industry. By using Uvison4 development environment and schematic design with VHDL design methods,we propose to complete the task in the SST89E564RD chip to achieve the self-tuning of parameters of algorithm for optimization of fuzzy PID controllers,and test input data. Hardware section contains four modules,such as the tension measurement ,tension adjustment,hardware circuit design and product design. The software designing includes the main program,timer interrupt service flow chart ,position detection flow chart.In the tension control process,the tension regulation module obtain the tension data according to the tensi


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