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析浅农村初中英语学困生的现状及对策 英语--本科毕业论文
分类号 UDC 单位代码 10644
密 级 公开 学 号 2009030212
论文作者: 岳丹丹
指导教师: 路翠红
学科专业: 英 语
研究方向: 教学法
提交日期: 2012年 12 月 31 日
答辩日期: 2013年 05 月 24 日
学位授予: 四川文理学院
中 国 ( 达 州
School of Foreign Languages
Sichuan University of Arts Science
Analysis of and Suggestion for Students with Difficulties in Learning English in Rural Middle School
Yue Dandan
A Thesis
Presented to the School of Foreign Languages
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of B. A. in English
December 2012
Thesis Supervisor: Lu Cuihong
Analysis of and Suggestion for Students with Difficulties in Learning English in Rural Middle School
With the deeply internationalizing of our country, we have to communicate and cooperate with the foreigners, so more and more people realize the importance of English learning .Now English is a compulsory basic subjects in Chinese Middle schools. In order to completely integrate into the society, no matter wheather our country or schools are putting much attention to the English teaching and learning . Although our English teaching has gotten much progress , we still face many difficulties ,especially in rural middle school. There are still a lot of students with difficulties in learning English .
In this paper, I will illusrate the present situation of English learning and analysis the reasons of the existing of the students with difficulties in learning English in rural middle school,by taking Xuhan Xian Cheng Xi Middle School as an example. Then offer some methods of changing the present situation so teachers can culture good learning motivation ;study habits and learning methods that students can strengthen their confidence and improve their grades.
Key words: students with difficulties ; English learning; present situation; reasons;changing methods;rural middle school
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