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LOGO LOGO Sigmund Freud A Science Odyssey: By Chen Ying Team Members: Liu Yuxin Zhang Meilin Yang Ziyan Men are strong only so long as they represent a strong idea. They become powerless when they oppose it. —Sigmund Freud Supporters have praised Freud rapturously and critics have called him everything from a con-man to a dirty-minded pansexualist. However, no one disagrees that he has been one of the most influential scientists of the century. Not only did he influence the professional practice of psychology and psychiatry, but he changed the way people (in Western cultures) view themselves and think about their lives. Anna O. Anna O. developed some speech difficulties, then became mute, and then began speaking only in English, rather than her usual German. When her father died she began to refuse food, lost the feeling in her hands and feet, developed some paralysis, and began to have involuntary spasms. But when specialists were consulted, no physical causes for these problems could be found. Breuer discovered that if he hypnotized her, she would talk of things she did not remember in the conscious state, and afterwards her symptoms were relieved—thus it was called “the talking cure.” Years later, it was Freud who would later add what Breuer did not acknowledge publicly—that secret sexual desires lay at the bottom of all these hysterical neuroses. Theories “The conscious vs. the unconscious” 1 “The id, ego, superego” 2 “Life instincts and death instinct” 3 5 The conscious, the preconscious The Conscious: what you are aware of at any particular moment, your present perceptions, memories, thoughts, fantasies, feelings. The Preconscious (“available memory”) : anything that can easily be made conscious, the memories you are not at the moment thinking about but can readily bring to mind. No one has a problem with these two layers of mind. But Freud sugg


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