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Amplification and Omission Negation and Translation of Passive Voice Sentences I. Teaching contents 1.Review and comments on the assignments 2. Amplification 3. Omission 4. Negation in translation 5. Passive Voice Sentences 6. Assignments II. Aims of teaching To make students know about the techniques of translation and especially to grasp amplification and repetition III. Teaching Focus Students’ ability in dealing with the techniques especially in amplification omission , negation and attributive clauses IV. Teaching procedures Step One: Review Extension of word meaning Conversion of parts of speech Step Two Amplification in translation 翻译时为了尽可能使译文的意义、语气、语态等切合原文,常常要在译文中加一些原文没有对应词的词,即加一些原文中无其形而有其义的词才能使译文更加准确、易懂。这时我们可以采用增词翻译的手段。英译汉中增词翻译主要体现在以下几个方面。 A. 根据词义或修辞需要增词 翻译中有时如果只按照字面进行翻译, 汉语将不通顺、不达意,或表达不符合汉语习惯,这时我们要采用增词译法。例如: My grandparents believed you were either honest or you weren’t. There was no in between. 我的祖父母认为,你要么诚实, 要么不诚实, 没有中间道路可选。 For months I have kept on my desk a picture from a tabloid. 几个月来, 我桌上一直放着一幅从小报上剪下的照片。 If you want General Gehlen sent to a lunatic asylum then you had better have me certified as well. 如果你要把盖伦将军关进疯人院, 最好让医生证明我也是疯子吧。 (证明的主语不是you,句子的意思是指“医生”,这样不但符合原意,而且还减少了歧义。) This was the greatest Russian offensive of the war. Stalin was throwing in 180 divisions, a surprising large part of them armored, in Poland and East Prussia alone. There was no stopping them. 这是大战以来俄国发动的最大攻势。仅波兰和东普鲁士两地,斯大林就投入了一百八十个师的兵力, 其中装甲部队所占比例大得惊人。他们锐不可当, 势如破竹。 A professor of mine once said: 教过我的一位教授曾说过:… Science demands of men great effort and complete devotion. 人们要掌握科学知识, 必须作出巨大的努力并表现出无限的热忱。 He said he’d come to the discussion. 他说他要来参加讨论。 The sports meet is scheduled for April 16. 运动会定于四月十六日举行。 9.The atmosphere moderates daytime temperature and retards nigh heat loss. 大气层能缓和白天气温的上升和阻止夜间热量的损耗。 10. Mary washed for a living after her husband died of acute pneumonia. 玛丽在丈夫患急性肺炎去世后,靠给人洗衣服维持生活。 11. The frequency, wave length and speed of sound are cl


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