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Translation2 1. Burma (缅甸) is a Buddhist (佛教的) country. Burmese people are simple and friendly. In every city and town, you can see pagodas (塔) and temples. Once in the history, Burma had more than four million Buddhist temples and pagodas. Now there are more than two thousand left. The Gold Pagoda in Rangoon (仰光) is the most famous one. It was built in 588 B.C. You can see the golden top of the pagoda in any place of Rangoon. Countless people come to the pagoda with bare feet to warship Buddha. 缅甸是一个佛教之国。人民淳朴而友好。无论城乡,你到处都可以看到佛塔座座、寺庙林立。缅甸的寺塔,历史上最多时达400万座,现在尚存2000多座。万千佛塔之中,首推仰光大金塔。大金塔建于公元前588年,在仰光市的任何地方都可看到它金光灿灿的塔尖。(每天,)无数的人们赤着脚从四面八方涌向大金塔,以表示对佛祖的虔诚。 2. Generally, there are three kinds of businesses: (1) those started and managed personally by single owners or single entrepreneurs (企业家); (2) the partnership where two or more people share the risks and rewards of a business, and (3) the corporation where shareholders as owners can buy and sell their shares at any time on the open market. This latter structure, by far the most important, permits the amassing (积聚) of large sums of money by combing investments of many people, making possible large-scale enterprises. 一般来说,企业分为三种:(一)个体业主或个体企业家自己开办经营的企业;(二)两人或两人以上共同承担风险、分享赢利的合伙企业;(三)股份公司,股东作为公司拥有人任何时候都可以在公开市场上买卖公司股票。最后的那种企业最为重要,因为股份公司可以把许多人的投资筹集到一起聚成巨额资金,从而得以开办大型企业。 3. Healthy brand chocolates are made of choice materials by up-to-date scientific method and packed in Guangzhou, China. The product is allowed to leave the factory only after strict examination of its quality. Owing to the influence of tropical climate on raw materials used, white spots may occasionally appear on the surface of the product, but the quality remains unchanged. In that event, please send particulars to our distribution concerned. Hong Kong Distributor: Jinhua Trading Co., Ltd. Address: 100, Bonham Strand E., 10th Floor Hong Kong Tel: 468888822 “健康牌”巧克力采用上等原料,以最新科学方法配制而成,中国广州包装。其质量须经严格检查,方可出厂。由于酷热气候对所用原料的影响,所以产品表面偶尔会出现白斑,但基质量未变。如发现有引情况,请将详情告知该地


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