
高级英语 考试范围.doc

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第一题词汇英语释义: 主要考前三个单词,极个别单词涉及第四个单词(删除短语之后的排序) 第二题:句子英语释义: 主要考查练习册对应试题第一、第二题,极个别涉及第三小题(第二套长句多;第三套也来自课文,但是句子长、来源庞杂,无法提供具体考试范围) 第三题: 课文段落英译汉翻译题 Unit 1 insight:the capacity to gain an accurate and deep instinctive understanding of a situation perception gnome: a small ugly person berate: scold, criticize angrily identify: recognize drag: nuisance, a boring thing immortality: never-ending life, endless life unit 2 apocalyptic: foretelling disaster or final doom proconsul: an administrator in a colony ruminate: go over in the mind repeatedly meditate nattering: chattering, noisy fortify: support, enhance academe: academic community subliminal: subconscious truism: self-evident truth Unit 4 dereliction: negligence exempt: not subject to an obligation flurry: abundance, great quantity ordinance: authoritative law, command brazen: shameless skirt: avoid, keep distant from subvert: destroy completely 8. Nullify: declare legally void Unit 5 plight: unfavorable state/condition articulate: explicit, using language easily and fluently covet: jealousy providentially: luckily, fortunately gibberish: nonsense inexorably: Inescapably profundity: profound or deep matters grapple: try to deal with Unit 7 lamely: weakly, unsatisfactorily Paradoxical:seemingly self-contradictory Seductive: attractive, charming Pedagogical: about teaching methods Wary: careful, heedful Throes: a condition of agonizing struggle or effort, upheaval Narcissism: excessive admiration of oneself Obligation: moral or legal duty, social requirements Fretful: irritable, complaining Depreciation: a disparaging or a belittling act or instance Censure: an expression of blame or disapproval Preen: adorn or trim oneself carefully Interminable: endless Unit 8 Multitudinous: very numerous, existing in great numbers Lust: overwhelming desire or craving Orgy: excessive indulgence in any activity, wild festivity Texture: quality, structure of a substance Bludgeon: force somebody into (doing sth), beat Blow-


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