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With airfare rising more than 10% in the past five years and hotel rooms going for exorbitant prices, conventional tourism has become more challenging to do affordably. 过去5年里,飞机票涨价超过10%,酒店客房价格也贵得离谱,传统的旅行想要经济实惠也变得愈来愈难。 But what if you could travel and not spend a dime? What if you could even get paid? 但如果旅行可以一分钱不用花呢?甚至可以挣钱呢? Many would jump at the opportunity to experience new cultures, traverse through beautiful landscapes, and satisfy their insatiable wanderlust. 大家都会乐于接受这个机会去领略新的文化、跨越美丽的土地、满足自己永无止境的旅游欲。 We’ve compiled 12 ways for just about anyone to get their golden ticket to spending weeks, or years, in exotic lands while earning some cash. 下面我们为大家提供了12种方法,让任何人都可以享有在异国体验数周甚至数年的机会,同时还可以挣钱。 1. Become A Tour Guide 1. 成为导游 Leading tours through some of the worlds most iconic and historic places sounds like a dream come true. It can offer tons of variety, depending on how you approach it. Do you become a tour guide in one dream place — say, Paris! — and lead hordes of tourists through the Louvre, the Bastille, and the Eiffel Tower? Or do you lead groups on longer trips that go through a series of destinations? 能带团游览世界上最具标志性和历史性的景点听起来就像是美梦成真。带团可以有很多方式,取决于你怎么策划了。你是想成为某个地方的导游——比如说,巴黎!——带着游客们游历卢浮宫、巴士底狱和埃菲尔铁塔?还是你想尝试更长一点的旅程,去更多的地方呢? Either one can be a solid way to make a living and see new cultures. There are a few cons, though. Guides who stay in one location will likely be working freelance, which may mean uneven paydays and a lack of job security. Some guides give free tours and try to use their personalities to get tips from generous tourists. 任何一种方式都能让你挣钱的同时领略新的文化。但是有一些条件。在一个地方做导游的人通常是自由职业者,这就意味着收入不稳定而且工作没有保障。一些导游选择免费带团,而用他们的人格魅力征服慷慨的游客,获得小费。 Longer-term guides may be lucky enough to get a contract or a full-time gig from a touring company, which adds stability but means they will be the one dealing with all the logistics, planning, and headaches that come with trying to manage a group of cranky tourists for weeks at a time. 长期的导游如果幸运的话可以和旅游公司签订合同或是在公司做全职,这样稳定性较强,但


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