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园林史课程论文 题目 浅谈屋顶花园及其技术措施 学院(系): 林 学 院 专 业: 园 林 班 级: 级班 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 成 绩: 2013年 月 日 Abstract: The roof garden is used in the form of the emerging flat rooftops, roof garden theory first proposed by Le Corbusier building the lower part of the Founder of the body block represents the internal machine live in, and the roof became a secondary ground, express openthe effects of the external environment, this theory today as more and more people to accept. In recent years, modern buildings toward intensive, multi-level flat roof direction, roads and parking lots also encroached on a lot of green area, less and less space activities. Therefore, in the roof above the courtyard greenery, to beautify the urban landscape, the addition of the green area occupied by buildings and roads, and open up a new place of rest and recreation for the people, at the same time strengthen the roof heat insulation, sound insulation effect, play adsorption of particulates and produce oxygen, has good prospects for development. However, along with the rapid advance of the urban construction, roof garden also facing roof loads, waterproof drainage, plant selection, planting the form of soil select. Keywords: roof garden; garden green; roof loads: waterproof drainage: Soil choose 第一章.屋顶花园的历史和现状 1.1 屋顶花园的历史 屋顶花园的出现,最早可追溯到公元前2000 年左右,生活在古代幼发拉底河下游地区的苏美尔人曾建造了大庙塔,被后人称为空中花园的发源地。花园式的古庙塔并非真正意义上的屋顶花园,因为塔身上仅有一些植物而并非在 “顶” 上。公元前604-562 年,新巴比伦国王尼布甲尼撒二世波斯国一位美丽的公主,名叫赛米拉米斯。公主日夜思念故国山乡,郁郁寡欢。国王为了取悦于她,下令在平原地带的巴比伦堆筑土山,建造宫室,最终成就了被后世誉为空中花园的 “古代世界七大奇迹” 之一,由此,屋顶花园诞生了。 1.2 我国屋顶花园现状   随着我国城市建设水平的不断提高, 城市生态环境条件越来越受到人们的重视, 屋顶绿化建设速度也逐步加快, 特别是在我国的一线城市, 譬如北京、上海、重庆、深圳等, 屋顶绿化面积逐年增加。建筑屋顶在承重、防水和供水上已达到较高水平, 为屋顶花园的进一步普及奠定了较好的基础条件。特别是在建筑中常采用全架空设计, 进一步解决了屋顶的防水和承重等问题。例如: 昆明市 春之城居住小区采用全架空设计,架空层以下为商业用房和车库, 架空层以上为住宅和绿 图1如图为宁波市某小区屋顶花园绿化 地, 建有中庭花园 1万多 m2, 小区绿化覆盖率高达45% , 既可满足商业用房要求, 又可满足小区绿化用地需求。同时, 居住在顶层或有天台和


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