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利雅得水泥厂石灰石预均化堆场施工方案 Riyadh Cement Company Limestone Preblending Stockpile Construction Scheme 说明:Instructions: 该方案编制依据:This Scheme is compiled according to: 石灰石预均化堆场施工图纸 Drawings for limestone preblending stockpile 总承包合同要求 Requirements of General Contract 施工现场环境、机具,施工经验等 Site environment, equipments, and our construction experiences 建筑施工手册(第四版) Construction Manual (fourth edition) 工程概况 Brief Introduction of the Project 工程性质和作用 该工程为利雅得水泥厂石灰石预均化堆场,其功能是储存和运输石灰石,建筑工期:土建部分计划92天。质量要求:土建工程范围是按照业主提供的文件所进行的交钥匙模式施工,在施工的每一步都要业主的质量认可,达到业主的满意。 Nature of the Project and its function The Project is the limestone preblending stockpile of Riyadh Cement Company whose function is to store and transport limestone, and the time limit for the foundation is 92 days. Quality requirements: The Civil Works Scope is a Turnkey pattern executed as per the documentations offered by the Owner with each step to be approved by and to the satisfaction of the Owner. 建筑的结构特征 该工程主要由网架基础、堆取料机轨道基础和石灰石运输廊道组成,网架基础由40个钢筋混凝土基础组成的半径为56m的环形基础,基础之间用基础梁连接,供上部施工金属网架。堆取料机轨道基础是半径为51m的环型钢筋混凝土基础,基础底宽1.2m,高1.3m,设置8道混凝土后浇带以降低混凝土收缩应力,基础上部设计有预埋螺栓,用于堆取料机轨道的安装。石灰石运输廊道为本工程施工的重点,其主要部位是位于场内的箱体结构进料仓,外部结构尺寸;高11m,宽8m,长40.5m,壁厚1m,底标高-11m,局部-12m,因为是地下工程,施工时要考虑防水,防潮措施。 Structure Characteristic of the Construction The Project consists of net frame foundation, stocking and reclaiming track foundation and limestone belt conveyor. The net frame foundation is made up of 40 reinforced concrete foundations. The foundations will be connected with beams. The foundation of stocking and reclaiming track is a round one of a semidiametre 51 m. The width of foundation is 1.2 m, length 1.3 m. 8 concrete rear casting belts are installed to reduce the contraction stress of the concrete. Pre-embedded anchor bolt is installed on the upper part of the foundation. The limestone conveyor is the highlight of the project, with the bin as its main part, the dimension of which is as follows: height 11m, width 8m length 40.5m, t


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