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目录 1. 英汉构词法文献回顾 3 2. 英汉构词法的对比 4 2.1. 派生法 4 2.2. 转换法 6 2.3. 混乘法 7 2.4. 合成法 7 2.5. 借代法 9 2.6. 音译借入 9 2.6.1. 义译借入 9 2.6.2. 半音半义 10 3. 结语 10 摘要 由于社会的不断发展,许多新的事物和复杂的概念也不断产生,原来有限的词已经无法满足人们的需要。于是,人们便创造出一些新的词来表达新的事物和概念。构词法便是人们按照语言一定规律创造新词的方法。构词法研究的是词的内部结构,即将词分析为最小的结构单位—词素单位的性质、语音、意义,以及如何相互组合而构成新词。英汉语在构词上有许多相同的地方 In the first section, we talk about literature review, introduce the process of predecessors made in English and Chinese word-formation. The second section is the main part of this paper. It contrasts with English and Chinese word formation in detail. It has five parts.First part is about derivation. According to contrast in derivation, we know that derivation is an important word formation in English. English people were used to create new words according to add a prefix or suffix to the root, but in Chinese, there are little affixes. Second part talks about conversion. According to study, we realize that because of Chinese was a non-inflectional language and its word-class is not decided by its suffix, conversion is not used to create new words in Chinese. Third part is about blending. Blending in Chinese is quite different with in English. Forth part compounding is talked. Compounding is very important both in English and in Chinese, but relatively, as the most productive and widely-used word-formation, it has a bigger portion in Chinese than in English. The last part borrowing is discussed. Both English and Chinese borrows words from foreign country, but because of influence by different culture, society and national psychology, the two languages show distinctive differences in number, ability of assimilation and extensiveness. Key words word-formation, contrast, English, Chinese, derivation, conversion, blending, compounding, borrowing. 英汉构词法文献回顾 在西方,公元前400年印度语言学家帕尼尼(Panini)发表了Ashcadhyay一书,详细描述了梵语是如何构成的,他的构词法观点在一定程度上影响了欧洲的词汇学家们,然而在他之后,这一观点却没有得到发展,原因是:首先,尽管在19世纪,形态学占有一席之位,但是构词法还是不受重视;再次,从当时形态学历史比较的角度来看,研究者更注重研究单词结构,而且在


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