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In ancient Greek art (and myth), the Olympian gods and goddesses were often portrayed with a specific set of symbols and attributes. Here are some of the symbols of the Olympians: Aphrodite(Venus): sceptre(权杖), myrtle(爱神木), dove Apollo(Apollo): bow, lyre, n. (古希腊的)七弦竖琴 laurel) Ares(Mars): spear Artemis(Diana): bow, deer Athena(Minerva): owl, olive tree Demeter(Ceres): sceptre, torch, corn Dionysos(Bacchus): grape vine, ivy Hephaistos(Vulcan): axe Hera(Juno): sceptre, diadem(冕), peacock Hermes(Mercury): winged boots Poseidon(Neptune): trident(三叉戟), horse, bull Zeus(Jupiter): thunderbolt, eagle, oak 3. Symbols of the Gods and Goddesses All these gods have a direct relationship with Zeus. They are either his sons or daughters, or his brothers and sisters. Zeus was married to his sister Hera; this was acceptable for a god but totally unacceptable for humans to do, according to the the morals of the ancient Greek society. Also, make a note of god Pluto (/’plu:tou/). Pluto was supposed to live in Hades (the underworld). So, be careful when you read about Greek Mythology or watch movies about it, and remember...theres no god named Hades! V. Questions for Understanding What is your idea of mythology? 2. Try to compare Greco-Roman Mythology with some tales of Chinese Mythology. The End of Lecture One Greco-Roman Mythology Instructor: Dai Xu Courseware 2 希腊是个奇迹。希腊是西方文明的黎明,也是人类文明最灿烂的时光。我们今天的民主、法制、政治公开性这些观念都是从希腊人那里学来的。 Greco-Roman Mythology, also known as western classical mythology, is not only important to English language, literature and culture study, but also an indispensable part in general university education. 1. What does “Achilles’ heel” mean? 2. Do you know anything about “Pandora’s Box”? Achilles(阿喀琉斯)--the bravest hero in the Trojan war. Thetis, his mother, tried to make Achilles immortal by dipping him in the river Styx(冥河). When doing so, she held him by one heel and forgot to dip him a second time. Therefore, the heel remained untouched by the magic wat


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