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供应链啤酒游戏仿真模拟 摘 要 供应链系统优化的目标主要是实现供应链整体运作成本的最小化,为了获取最小化的成本,一个重要的方面就是供应链节点企业必须有效地管理供应链中的库存。应当把视野从自身扩大到整个供应链网络上来,实现信息和资源的充分共享,相互协调共同管理库存,实现整个供应链库存的最小化,达到供应链各节点企业的双赢。 本文第一章引言部分介绍了供应链系统优化的研究背景和意义,以及发展现状,其次介绍了库存优化对供应链系统优化的影响,最后介绍了供应链库存优化的发展方向。 从第二章到第四章本文主要是按照一个软件工程的思路,从需求分析开始,经过可行性分析、总体设计、详细设计、系统的实施及维护等程序介绍了一个反应供应链库存状况的啤酒游戏。 最后第五章总结性地陈述了供应链库存优化中的实质性问题。 关键词:供应链系统优化、库存优化、Delphi 7、Access、啤酒游戏 Research on the model of Supply Chain BEER GAME ABSTRACT The main objective of optimization of supply chain system is to achieve the smallest operating cost of overall supply chain. In order to obtain the smallest cost, an important aspect is that the enterprises in supply chain network must manage supply chain inventory effectively. The entire supply chain network should be extended as quickly as possible to achieve full sharing of information and resources. Inventory should be managed with cooperation to achieve the smallest operating cost of overall supply chain, and the supply chain node enterprises will win-win. The paper firstly makes statement of the background and the importance of optimization of supply chain system, and the actuality. Secondly it introduces impact to inventory on the base of supply chain system optimization. Finally it mentions the directions of supply chain inventory optimization. From the 2nd chapter to 4th chapter, the paper describes the Beer Game according to software engineering idea and elaborates system analysis, design and implementation process in detail. At last the 5th chapter it summarizes the essence of system optimization. KEYWORDS:supply chain system optimization, inventory optimization, Delphi7, Access, Beer Game 目 录 第一章 引 言 4 1.1 研究背景及意义 4 1.2 供应链系统优化发展现状 5 1.3 库存对供应链优化的影响 6 1.4 供应链库存优化的发展方向 6 第二章 系统分析 8 2.1 初步调查 8 2.2 系统开发目标 9 2.3 系统功能分析 9 2.4 可行性分析 10 第三章 系统设计 11 3.1 总体设计 11 3.1.1 开发工具介绍 11 3.1.2 系统的总体介绍和结构 12 3.2 数据库设计 13 3.3 详细设计 16 3.3.1 三个主要模块 16 3.3.2.管理员模块 21 第四章 系统的实施与维护 28 4.1 系统的实施 28 4.2 系统的安全与维护 28 第五章


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