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通信工程专业课程 Communication Engineering Specialty Course  专业核心课程: The professional core courses:   信息论与编码原理、通信原理、电视原理、电磁场与电磁波、天线与电波传播 Information theory and coding theory, communication principle, the principle of television, electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave, antenna and radio wave propagation   广播电视发送方向:数字电视技术、广播电视发送技术、数字广播技术 Radio and television transmission direction: digital television technology, radio and television transmission technology, digital broadcasting technology   移动通信方向:移动通信、现代交换技术、移动电视技术 Directions: mobile communication, mobile communication, mobile TV technology of modern switching technology   信息论与编码原理:本课程着重介绍信源的类型与特性、信源熵、信道容量、信息率失真函数等信息论的基本理论,以及信源编码和信道编码的基本概念和主要方法。这些信息论与编码的基本理论和方法不仅适用于通常意义的通信领域,如数字视音频处理和多媒体通信等,也适用于信息安全等计算机信息处理和管理等专门领域的需要。 Information theory and coding theory: This course mainly introduces the types and characteristics of information source, information entropy, channel capacity, information rate distortion function of information theory, as well as the source coding and channel coding of the basic concepts and main methods. The information theory and coding theory and method can be applied not only to the usual sense of the communication field, such as the processing of digital audio and video and multimedia communications, also applies to the information security of computer information processing and management of specialized areas of need.   通信原理:本课程以当前广泛应用的通信系统和代表发展趋势的通信技术为背景,系统介绍数字通信基本原理,为学生今后从事相关工作提供理论基础和实际知识。课程第1-3章介绍通信基础知识,其中包括其它章节所需的随机信号与噪声分析的数学知识,第4-5章论述模拟信号数字化和数字基带传输系统基本原理,第6-7章阐述数字调制系统和最佳接收原理。 Principle of communication : This course in current widely used communication system and represents the development trend of communication technology as the background, the basic principles of digital communication systems, for students to be engaged in relevant work to provide the theoretical basis and practical knowledge. Course No.1-3chapter introduces communication based on knowledge, which includes other sections


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