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陕西师范大学远程教育学院 函授生毕业论文 论文题目:农村小学音乐课教学模式几点探索与思考 姓 名: 蒿 慢 学 号:14116115008 专 业: 音乐学 年 级: 2014级 层 次: 专升本 教学点:陕师大直属 交论文时间 : 2016年1月 26 日 评 语 成绩__________ 评阅教师__________ 备注:论文成绩采取优秀、良好、及格、不及格四个等级进行评阅 农村小学音乐课教学模式几点探索与思考 【论文摘要】 当前艺术教育已成为学校素质教育的重要手段之一。音乐课堂教学是艺术教育的主渠道。如何大面积提高音乐课堂教学的质量与效率,促进学生整体素质的提高,这对每一位音乐教师来说,是难得机遇下的挑战。如何把握整体的质量与效益,需从音乐教学的结构入手,从教学模式上进行研究,即根据素质教育的目标,在现代音乐教学理论的指导下,研究音乐教学过程的结构和相关的音乐教学策略与教学评价等。随着新课程改革的不断推进,新课改的教学理念也逐渐深入我们的日常教学。然而由于城乡教育发展的不平衡以及有关人员对音乐教育的忽视,农村音乐教育现状与现代化教育的要求相差甚远。在当前教育改革的大潮中,认识当前农村小学音乐教育的现状,对于探索音乐教育的新思路、新方法,找准对策,创新音乐教育,具有重要意义。因此,本文针对目前农村小学音乐课教学模式几点探索与思考提出一些自己的看法,希望与广大同仁探讨。 【论文关键词】课堂模式 唱游结合 师资培训 兴趣培养 多媒体运用 Exploration and Thinking on the teaching mode of music teaching in rural primary schools 【Paper abstract】 The current art education has become one of the important means of quality education in schools. Music classroom teaching is the main channel of art education. How to improve the quality and efficiency of music teaching in large areas, and promote the overall quality of students, which is a challenge for every music teacher, is a rare opportunity. How to grasp the overall quality and efficiency, it is necessary to start from the structure of the music teaching from the teaching mode of, that according to the goal of quality education, under the guidance of modern music teaching theory, structure of research on music teaching process and related music teaching strategy and the teaching appraisal and so on. With the continuous progress of the new curriculum reform, the new curriculum reform of the teaching concept has gradually penetrated into our daily teaching. However, due to the uneven development of urban and rural education and the neglect of music education, the current situation of rural music education and the requirements of the modernization of education is far from. In the spring tide of current education reform, understanding the curre


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