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Canada--- “The True North” Listening part 2. Read the incomplete sentences below and guess what you will hear in the listening. 1) Canada encourages people to keep _____________________________. 2) Canada is a mixture of _____________________________. 3) If you live in the province of Quebec, ________________________________. 4) Native Indians and the Inuit are trying to _________________________________. 5) More than _____ languages are used in radio and TV programmes. 6) You may find areas where _______________ ____________ live near each other. 7) The families ___________________________ are usually all mixed up. 魁北克省(Quebec)是加拿大面积最大的省.80%的人口为法国后裔,魁北克官方语言为法语,北美法语人口主要集中在此。首府魁北克市,最大城市蒙特利尔。 Indians Inuit 纽特人,分布在从西伯利亚、阿拉斯加到格陵兰的北极圈内外。分别居住在格陵兰、美国、加拿大和俄罗斯。属蒙古人种北极类型。 New words mixture 混合物 race 种族 official language 官方语言 Inuit 因纽特人,北美爱斯基摩人 Multicultural 多元文化的 Listen 1. main idea 2.complete tasks in exercise 2 3.repeat check answers 4) Native Indians and the Inuit are trying to keep their languages alive. 5) More than 80 languages are used in radio and TV programmes. 6) You may find areas where people from the same culture live near each other. 7) The families who have lived in Canada for a long time are usually all mixed up. Questions: 1. What is a Canadian? 2. Why do people say that Canada is a multicultural country? 3. what is a multicultural country? Is China a multicultural country? 请写一篇简短的介绍中国或者云南省的概况的文章,可以参考37页的一些要点,在作文的介绍中尽量体现我们今天所讲的multicultural, 即主要描写中国或者云南的多元文化现象。 Thank you! * * 1) Canada encourages people to keep their own customs . 2) Canada is a mixture of many cultures and races. 3) If you live in the province of Quebec,you are expected to speak French.
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