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Welcome to join us ~ I am Jenny from Happy Learning YY channel Because ,YY don’t have a English version till now so let me introduce you how to use YY .In this paper the red words should get your attention. There will be some grammar mistakes or typo forgive me ~ If you got any questions or suggestion Contact me at YY:146090975 Skype:jennybestlife QQ:329233802 Good Luck ~! I Chapter One How to get an ID 1. Download YY at /s/api/download.html Okay ~ after that you know just next next in Chinese is 下一步 if you see it just click it . 2.Apply an ID , 2.1After you down load it you will see that 2.2 apply Press this part on the left corner Then you will go into some website By the way if you see that when you try to type your ID And I wanna say ID is not your name in YY you can change your name any time you want so just change another thing it doesn’t matter 2.3. the next process 2.31You will be in another page 2.32And then 2.33 Then they send you an email to ensure they send it to right person and you will got a some numbers like that 尊敬的YY用户: 您好! YY用户[******]在*月*日向YY安全中心申请将该邮箱与其账户绑定, 请将邮箱验证码填入页面对应的输入框中,继续完成您的操作。 您的邮箱验证码为:2a4471 邮箱验证码有效时间为5分钟,连续输错5次将被停止验证功能1小时。 温馨提示: 1、YY安全中心统一邮箱为service@ ,请注意邮件发送者,谨防假冒! 2、YY安全中心网址为 , 请注意网址,防止钓鱼。 3、为了您帐号的安全,建议不要使用非官方客户端!您可以到这里下载官方最新的客户端。 4、本邮件为系统自动发出,请勿回复。 感谢您使用多玩服务,有任何问题您都可以登录 与我们的客服中心联系! And now congratulations you got an ID ~ 3. Log in II Chapter two Basic ideas to use it 1.1 Breif Introduction 1.2your information Click your image you will get that 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.3 function setting 1.31 1.32 1.3 The main manu The little logo , it’s the main menu if you click it you will see that 1.31 click the security the fist option is the main part of it . 1.32If you click it you will see that page 1.33 1.34 You will find somet



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