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基于51单片机的酒精测试仪设计毕业设计说明书 51 MCU-Based Design Of The Tester Alcohol 学生姓名 学 号 专业班级 指导教师 摘 要 近年来,随着我国经济的发展,人民的生活水平提高,越来越多的人有了自己的私家车,而酒后驾车造成的交通事故也频频发生。 如今国家法律出台道路交通安全法规定,饮酒后或者醉酒驾驶机动车发生重大交通事故,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任,并由公安机关交通管理部门吊销机动车驾驶证,终生不得重新取得机动车驾驶证。 鉴于人们对于醉酒驾驶的逐渐重视,酒精测试课题便引起了广泛的关注。酒后驾车引起的交通事故是由于司机的过量饮酒造成人体内酒精浓度过高,麻痹神经,造成大脑反应迟缓,肢体不受控制等症状。为本课题研究的是一种以气敏传感器和单片机为主,监测空气酒精浓度,并具有LCD显示功能的空气酒精浓度监测仪。此需要设计一智能仪器能够监测驾驶员体内酒精含量。本课题研究的是一种以气敏传感器和单片机为主,监测空气酒精浓度,并具有声报警功能及LCD显示功能的空气酒精浓度监测仪。其可监测出空气环境中和呼气中酒精浓度值,并根据不同的环境设定不同的阀值,对超过的阀值进行声报警,并显示阀值.来提示危害。 从而达到以下目的:(1)有利于社会公共交通安全;(2)提高人们法律意识;(3)使之便捷、安全、准确、高效,便于提高家庭酒精测试的普及化。 本作品是基于单片机控制ADC0809对TGS822酒精浓度取样来反映人体血液酒精浓度;以及对DS18B20获取温度 关键词:ADC0809;TGS822; DS18B20;单片机 Abstract In recent years, as Chinas economic development, peoples living standards improve, more and more people have their own private cars and traffic accidents caused by drunk driving is also frequent. Today, the introduction of national law the provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law, motor vehicle after drinking or drunk driving major traffic accidents, crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated by the traffic control department of public security organ driving license revoked for life may not regain a driving license. Given peoples increasing emphasis on the drink driving, alcohol test subject has aroused widespread concern. Drunk driving accidents caused by excessive drinking is caused because the drivers alcohol level is too high the body, paralysis of nerves, resulting in slow response to the brain, body out of control and other symptoms. Based research is a kind of gas sensor and microcontroller-based, monitoring of air alcohol concentration , and with LCD display monitor air alcohol concentration. The need to design an intelligent instruments to monitor the drivers alcohol content. This research is a kind of gas sensor and microcontroller-based, monitoring of air alcohol concentration , and with sound alarm and LCD


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