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Ⅰ.词汇过关 1.________adj. 敏感的;灵敏的 2.________adj. 痛苦的; 疼痛的→________n. 3.________n. 邀请;招待→________v. 4.________adj. 简短的;简要的→________adv.→________n. 摘要;大纲 5.________adj. 自信的→________n. 6.________n. 投入;热爱→________adj.→________vt. 答案:1.sensitive 2.painful; pain 3.invitation; invite 4.brief; briefly; brief 5.confident; confidence 6.devotion;devoted; devote Ⅱ.短语自查 1.最主要;首先________________ 2.agree on________________ 3.come up with________________ 4.stick to________________ 答案:1.above all 2.商定 3.找到(答案……);想出(主意等) 4.坚持 Ⅲ.句式翻译 1.Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as if they were close friends. ________________________________________________________________________ 2.At last feeling very upset and sensitive, Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too painful for them. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案: 1.一些不认识他们的人也在经常讨论他们的私生活,而且就像是他们的亲密朋友一样在谈论(他们)。 2.终于由于深感苦恼,神经高度紧张,弗雷迪和他的乐队意识到他们必须在自己感到太痛苦之前离开这个国家。 Ⅰ.单词突破 1.confident (adj.) 1)自信的;有信心的 ①He noticed her confident smile. 他注意到她满怀信心的微笑。 ②For my own part, being nice about appearance keeps me confident. 就我而论,注重仪表使我自信。 2)~of sth.|~that...肯定的;确信的;有把握的 ①He is quite confident of passing the examination. 他很有信心通过考试。 ②He is quite confident that he will pass the examination. 他很有信心通过考试。 [知识拓展] confidence (n.) 1)[U]~(in sb./sth.)信心;信任;信赖 We have confidence in the mayor. 我们信任这位市长。 2)[U] 自信心;把握 She has great confidence in her success. 她充分自信自己能成功。 3)[U] 把握; 肯定 They could not say with confidence that he would be able to walk again after the accident. 他们不能肯定他经过那次事故后还能行走。 [牛刀小试] (1)James was____of his ability to get work for himself. A.confident     B.hopeful C.different D.various 答案:A 题意:詹姆斯自信有能力为自己找到工作。 (2)Women often lose________when they stop work to have a baby. A.confidence B.character C.appearance D.position 答案:A 题意:妇女常常在停职生小孩时失去信心。 confidence表示“自信心;把握”。 (3)(2009·浙江,15)John is very ________—if he promises t


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