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毕 业 设 计 题 目 学 院 专 业 班 级 0701 学 生 学 号 20070406020 指导教师 二〇一一年月日 摘 要 随着科技的发展,人们的物质生活水平不断提高,厨房在人们生活中所扮演的角色也在不断变化。传统的厨房以及传统的厨房设计理念正日益落后于人们不断升级的需求层次。如今,智能化技术越来越多地应用到了厨房电器生产制造中,电器控制手段越来越多种多样,时间和功率更好控制,自动化更易实现,操作起来更加便捷。厨房电器便捷、省力、智能、专业、洁净、健康和强大的功能,使其快速进入千家万户。变化了的生活形态所体现出的人们对于厨房的新需求,消费者对于厨房空间的要求,集成厨房设计已成为主题。可以预测,随着信息时代的全面到来,人们家中那个原本狭小、脏乱的厨房将会在人们不断升级的需求层次的推动下,和不断发展的科学技术的支撑下,改头换面。真正面向信息时代的厨房将会发展成一个融合了工业设计、室内空间设计、人机工程学、信息技术、网络技术等多种学科和知识,能够满足使用者不同层次需求的综合型、系统化产品。 本文主要通过分析现在厨房电器近期发展趋势及存在的问题,提出集成厨房设计的可行性,并以豆浆机的集成设计为例,提出具体的设计构思,设计方案及其可行性分析。从而给消费者勾勒出一个崭新的厨房设计空间。 关键字:厨房集成设计;可行性;豆浆机;方案 ABSTRACT With the development of high-tech, people’s life level has been improved well. Kitchen plays a more and more important role in our life .Conventional kitchen and its designing theory is falling behind people’s demand. Nowadays, more and more intelligent technologies are applied to the production of kitchen appliances. The means of electrical control are various, time and power to be better controlled, automation easier to be implemented, operation becomes more convenient. The features of kitchen appliances make it access to millions of households soon, it is convenient effort, intelligent, professional, clean, healthy and powerful. The new demand foe kitchen embodied by the changed life condition, and demands for kitchen space have become our theme. Presumably,with the arrival of info era,people’s former crowded ,dirty kitchen is to be changed whole by the escalating demand and high tech. The authentic kitchen in info era will combine all kinds of knowledge such as industrial design, indoor space design, man-machine engine theory, information tech .web tech and so on, which will suit customers’ different needs. It will be a kind of systematic and comprehensive product. This paper brings up the fe


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