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Abstract Real jewelry in the male domestic R D efforts and publicity on the few jewelry makers. It is understood that most jewelry manufacturers regard the main energy, human and material resources concentrated in the female R D and innovation in jewelry, and accessories to men, as with product development and promotion of view, so he created a single species, male jewelry, style single condition. Women selling jewelry in the market, the competition is becoming more intensified, increasingly slim profit margins, the species and areas need to develop more and more narrow. In contrast, male jewelry is a relatively new field, as long as innovation, careful analysis of mens emotional and demand, developing new products and new consumer space is a great possibility. This male jewelry from the research point of view of consumer groups, combined with multiple point of view of the consumption characteristics of male jewelry. Research by these two questions, and then for two or three brands on the market analysis and study of male ornaments and male ornaments predict what the future trends. Key Words: Male jewelry, Consumer Features,Design Features,Trends 目 录 中文摘要 2 Abstract 3 1. 男性首饰的概念 1 1.1 男性首饰的定义 1 1.2 男性首饰的消费群体 1 2. 男性首饰的消费特点 1 2.1年龄阶段 1 2.2服饰搭配 2 2.3心理需求 2 2.4消费能力 3 2.5身份场合 3 3. 针对两三个品牌的男性首饰进行分析、研究 3 3.1 TRUEMAN真男人 3 3.2 MORELLATO莫瑞拉托 4 3.3 NEVER-NEVER 4 3.4总结三个品牌的男性首饰的设计特点 5 4. 未来男性首饰的发展趋势 5 5. 总结 6 参考文献 7 致 谢 8 引 言 80年代以来,男性佩戴首饰逐渐成为时尚,开始成为普泛化的行为,男性尤其是年轻男性对首饰的需求有明显的增加趋势,但是由于种种原因的制约,男性首饰的发展一直相对缓慢,无论在设计还是在推广上都尚未形成一个完善的体系。因此,作为一个首饰设计工作者,应该多去了解一下男性首饰的市场以及未来的发展趋势,以便更好的完善设计。 1. 男性首饰的概念 1.1 男性首饰的定义 首饰,本指装饰人们头部的物品。古人称头为首,故称呼佩戴在头部的饰物为首饰,后来,“首饰”一词的含义不断扩展,成为一个范围极广的概念。从广义的范围来讲,首饰指人体佩戴或携带的具有装饰作用的物品,不仅包括常见的戒指、项链、手镯等以装饰人体为主的饰物,还包括手表、眼镜、笔、钥匙等集实用和装饰作用为一体的物品。狭义的首饰则指没有其他实用价值的仅为装饰人体的饰品,包括头饰、项饰、手镯、肩饰、胸饰、腰饰、腿饰等。本文所说的男性首饰是一个相对狭义的概念。 1.2 男性首饰的消费群体 在许多中国人的传统观念当中,首饰就是财富的象征,佩戴的首饰越是贵重,就越能显示佩戴者的身份和地位。所以中国的男性在选择首饰的时候,黄金、铂金、钻石这类高价且保值的稀有金属和矿石是他们的首选。此外,年轻的一代


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