
毕业设计论文-评析李商隐诗文与晚唐政治 .doc

毕业设计论文-评析李商隐诗文与晚唐政治 .doc

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山西大学 本 科 学 位 论 文 评析李商隐诗文与晚唐政治 专业名称:历史学 学生姓名: 指导老师: 评析李商隐诗文与晚唐政治 中文摘要:唐代,是一个诗人层出不穷的时代,不论是初唐,盛唐,还是晚唐,诗文荟萃,大家名列,其发展到一个群体,在中国古代历史上形成了一道独特又靓丽的风景。 安史之乱,强大不可一世的盛唐逐渐走向衰败,跟之在政治上的一蹶不振,经济也较之萧条,但是,政治上的混乱并不意味着文化的混乱和滞后,反之,晚唐文化呈现出了一种与初唐激昂,盛唐气势恢宏不同的既对前世的一种怀念又对现实讽刺的悲凉抑郁之风。李商隐,便是代表。 中晚唐社会政治混乱,藩镇割据一方,威胁中央集权,宦官专政,掌握天子命运,朝堂之上,党争不断,相互倾轧。作为一个有思想,有文化,有涵养的文人士大夫,李商隐以他朦胧却又清晰透彻的的笔尖抒发出对国家,对天子,对朝堂,对政事,对百姓疾苦的深切同情和怜惜。对天子不能用人唯才,当政者不能解民生疾苦,为臣者不能替君王分担解忧,镇守边关者不能保护百姓安危,都进行了一个有力的抨击,其诗文多情,朦胧,缠绵,伤感,却又悲愤,豪壮,咏史咏怀,咏物歌志,既有缠绵悱恻,朦胧难懂的爱情诗,也有沉郁顿挫,荒凉沧桑的现实诗,更有悲愤豪壮,意志难酬的咏怀诗,一个人便是一个王朝的缩影,在李商隐的身上,有晚唐,在李商隐的诗文中,有晚唐政治。在晚唐崇山峻岭中他是一抹淡淡的溪流,既清澈见底,却又浑浊于世,卷入牛李党争,在两党倾轧的险恶政治漩涡中,至死都无法自拔,成为党争的牺牲品。 关键词:晚唐,李商隐,诗文,党争 Abstract:The Tang Dynasty, is a poet emerge in an endless stream era, whether the early Tang Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Tang poetry is, meta, all manufacturers, its development into a group, in the history of ancient China formed a unique and beautiful scenery. The an Shi rebellion, powerful powerful Tang Dynasty declined gradually, with the politically unable to get up after a fall, the economy is in recession, however, the political confusion does not mean that the cultural confusion and delay, otherwise, the culture presents a passionate and early Tang Dynasty, Tang magnificent different to the previous one a miss to reality irony of desolation depression wind. Li Shangyin, is the representative. The social and political chaos, local separate regime, threatening centralization, the eunuch dictatorship, grasp the fate, toward the hall on, a continuous, envy. As a thinking, culture, conservation of the literati, Li Shangyin with his vague but clear thorough NIB expresses to the country, to the emperor, towards the hall, on the political scene, deep sympathy and compassion for the sufferings of the people. The emperor is not meritocratic, policymakers cannot solve the livelihood of the people, as Minister for the king cannot share melancholy, guarding the border can not protect the safety of



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