ecos eCos Interrupt Model.doc

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ecos eCos Interrupt Model 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“eCos Interrupt Model”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! Chapter 8. eCos Interrupt Model This chapter describes the eCos interrupt model in detail. Interrupt handling is an important part of most real-time systems. Timely handling of interrupt sources is important. This can be severely impacted by certain activities that must be considered atomic (i.e. uninterruptible). Typically these activities are executed with interrupts disabled. In order to keep such activities to a minimum and allow for the smallest possible interrupt latencies, eCos uses a split interrupt handling scheme. In this scheme, interrupt handling is separated into two parts. The first part is known as the Interrupt Service Routine or ISR. The second part is the Deferred Service Routine or DSR. This separation explicitly allows for the DSRs to be run with interrupts enabled, thus allowing other potentially higher priority interrupts to occur and be processed while processing a lower priority interrupt. In order for this model to work, the ISR should run quickly. If the service requirements for the interrupt are small, the interrupt can be completely handled by the ISR and no DSR is required. However, if servicing the interrupt is more complex, a DSR should be used. The DSR will be run at some later time, at the point when thread scheduling is allowed. Postponing the execution of DSRs until this time allows for simple synchronization methods to be used by the kernel. Further, this controlled calling — when thread scheduling is allowed — means that DSRs can interact with the kernel, for example by signalling that an asynchronous operation has completed. In order to allow DSRs to run with interrupts enabled, the ISR for a particular interrupt source (or the hardware) must arrange that that interrupt will not recur until the DSR has completed. In some cases, this is how the hardware works. Once an interrupt is delivered another interrupt will not occur until re-enabl


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