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IIAC-WGEETE Paper No. 1/2002 INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE ADVISORY COMMITTEE WORKING GROUP ON E-COMMERCE ENVIRONMENT AND TECHNOLOGIES EXPLOITATION Progress Report on Administration of Internet Domain Names in Hong Kong Purpose This paper briefs Members on the latest development in respect of the administration of Internet domain names in Hong Kong. Background 2. On 22 November 2000, we informed Members of the background and progress in respect of the administration of Internet domain names in Hong Kong. Members were informed that a Task Force had been set up under the Information Infrastructure Advisory Committee to review the administration of Internet domain names in Hong Kong, with a view to recommending a framework of arrangements which best suited the needs of Hong Kong. 3. We also informed Members that following the recommendations made by the Task Force in May 2000, a public consultation exercise was conducted from June to July 2000. In summary, the public generally supported that the Joint Universities Computer Centre (JUCC), the current administrator of .hk domain names, should gradually transfer the Internet domain names administration functions to a new non-profit making and non-statutory corporation which would assume the overall responsibility for Internet domain name administration in Hong Kong. The public also supported the adoption of a more flexible domain name registration policy, aiming at promoting e-commerce in Hong Kong. New measures, including accepting registration of multiple domain names by a company, allowing transfer of domain names, and creating a new second level domain category under .hk to enable registration by individuals, etc. should be adopted. Moreover, the public also supported the establishment of an alternative dispute resolution mechanism to facilitate early resolution of domain name disputes so as to obviate the need to resort to court settlement. 4. At the same meeting, we also informed Members that


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