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长宁区 1. 他意识到自己犯了一个严重的错误。(aware) 2. 环境污染问题不是一朝一夕就能解决的。(possible) 3. 美国学生Kate说当一名上海世博会的志愿者是她非常珍贵的人生经历。(volenteer) 4. 百思买(Best Buy)突然关闭在中国的所有门店,让人非常吃惊。(close) 5. 学习语法规则是需要的,但是对学生来说更重要的是提高用英语进行交际的能力。(Though) 1. He is aware that he (has) made a serious mistake. He is aware of making (having made) a serious mistake. 2. It is not possible to solve the problem of environmental pollution overnight (in a day). 3. The American student. Kate, said (that) working as a volunteer at the Shanghai Expo was a very precious experience in her life. Kate, an American student, said ... 4. Best Buy suddenly closed all of its shops(chain stores)in China, which made people very surprised. Best Buy... , making... That Best Buy... surprised people very much. 5. Though learning grammar rules is needed (Though its necessary to learn grammar rules), what is more important for students is to improve (develop) their ability to communicate (with other people) in English. 崇明区 1.我们花在作业上的时间很多。 ( spend) 2.我们的英语老师坚持认为正确的发音很重要。 (insist) 3.你不会等很长时间意味着过不了多久下一班车就来了。( before) 4.尽管她独身一人,但是她忙于妇女权利方面的工作,所以一点也不感到孤独。(as) 5.一个人失败时几句安慰话也许会鼓励他重新站起来,甚至取得成功。 (encourage) 1. We spend much time on (our) homework. / in doing (our) homework. 2. Our English teacher insists on the importance of the correct pronunciation. 3. That you wont wait for long means that it wont be long before the next bus arrives. 4. Alone as she is. she is so busy with her work for womens rights that she feels anything but lonely. Although she is alone, she is so busy doing her work for womens rights as not to feel lonely at all. 5. A few words of comfort to the one who fails / has just failed may encourage him to stand up again and even make him successful. When one fails, a few words of comfort may encourage him to stand up again and even to achieve success. 奉贤 这部电影的故事情节是根据真人改编的。(base) 今天天气暖和,没有必要开空调。(need) 下午我喜欢喝一杯清咖啡,这是一个保持精力旺盛的有效方法。(effective) 考试时碰到难题,保持冷静和信心是成功的关键。(key) 电脑已触及到每个人的日常生活,难怪有人说当今世界不懂电脑,


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