荆门热电厂 荆门热电厂4机励磁回路技术改造.doc

荆门热电厂 荆门热电厂4机励磁回路技术改造.doc

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荆门热电厂 荆门热电厂4机励磁回路技术改造

荆门热电厂 荆门热电厂4机励磁回路技术改造 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“荆门热电厂4机励磁回路技术改造”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! 荆门热电厂#4机励磁回路技术改造 徐 挺 进 (国电长源荆门热电厂,湖北 荆门 448040) 摘 要:现场试验和运行经验表明荆门热电厂#4机励磁回路存在灭磁开关分、合闸不可靠的问题。由于线性电阻灭磁容易在转子上产生高电压,灭磁时间长,而转子过电压保护效果又比较差,针对以上问题,我厂进行了相关设备的技术改造,更换了高可靠性灭磁开关,采用ZnO非线性电阻灭磁等。本文介绍了基于高能ZnO电阻的过电压保护器工作原理,结合ZnO性能、灭磁装置和转子过电压保护的相关技术要求总结了灭磁系统技术参数的选择计算方法。现场发电机空载和短路试验情况下灭磁试验表明该项改造达到了预期效果。 关键词:励磁; 回路; 改造 The #4 generator excitation return circuit technological transformation of Jingmen Thermal power plant Xu Ting-jin (Guodian Changyuan Jingmen Thermal Power Plant,Jingmen Hubei 448040,China) [Abstract] Field test and operation experience show that the magnetism extinguish component of 4# Generator of Jinmen Thermal Power Plant is not reliable in operation. The Linear resistance for magnetism extinguish is liable to induce high voltage with long extinguish time, the over voltage protection of rotator has only poor performance. In order to facilitate a reliable operation, the magnetism extinguish components are replaced with more reliable breaker and nonlinear ZnO resistance. The operation mechanism of ZnO resistance is introduces and the parameter and principle for the selection of magnetism extinguish components are concluded. Field test with non-load and shout circuit show that the replaced magnetism extinguish component can satisfy with field operation。 [Key words] excitation ; circuit ; transformation 引言


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