
凯恩斯有效需求理论 中英文摘要.doc

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凯恩斯有效需求理论 中英文摘要 论凯恩斯的有效需求理论 英文摘要: Keynesian theory system based on solving the employment problem as the center, and the logical starting point of the employment theory is the effective demand principle. The community employment is governed by the effective demand: so-called effective demand is the aggregate demand when the aggregate supply price and the aggregate demand price achieve equilibrium point. When the aggregate demand price is greater than the aggregate supply price, the community demand exceeds the supply of goods. The entrepreneurs will increase the employment and expand the production; conversely, the aggregate demand price is less than the aggregate supply price, the community supply exceeds the demand. The entrepreneurs are forced to sale articles, cut down the amount of employment and contract the scale of production. Therefore, the community employment is governed by the equilibrium point between the aggregate demand and the aggregate supply. In the short term, the production costs and normal profit do not fluctuate much. Thus the production that the entrepreneurs are willing to supply does not change a lot, the aggregate supply remains stable. In this way, the community employment actually depends on the aggregate demand. This aggregate demand that is balanced with the aggregate supply is the effective demand 中文摘要: 凯恩斯主义的理论体系是以解决就业问题为中心的,而他的就业理论的逻辑起点就是有效需求理论。其基本观点是:社会的就业量取决于有效需求,所谓有效需求,是指商品的总供给价格和总需求价格达到均衡时的总需求。当总需求价格大于总供给价格时,社会对商品的需求超过商品的供给,企业家就会增加雇佣工人数量,扩大生产;反之,当总需求价格小于总供给价格时,出现供过于求,企业家被迫降价出售商品,裁减雇员,收缩生产。因此,就业量取决于总供给与总需求的均衡点。在短期内,生产成本和正常利润波动不大,因而资本家所愿意供给的产量不会有很大变动,总供给基本是稳定的。这样,就业量实际上就取决于总需求。这个与总供给相均衡的总需求就是有效需求。 正文总结: 约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯,诞生于1883年,他在1936年出版的代表作《就业、利息和货币通论》给经济学界带来了一场革命。他打破了旧的思想的束缚,承认有非自愿失业的存在,首次提出国家干预经济的主张,对整个宏观经济学的发展做出了极大贡献。 凯恩斯以前的主导经济理论是马歇尔为代表的新古典学派自由放任经济学说,又称为传统经济学。这种学说是建立在“自由市场、自由经营、自由竞争、自动调节、自动均衡”的五大原则基础上的,其核心是“自动均衡”理论。认为在自由竞争的条件下,经济都能通过价格机制自动达到均衡;商品的价格波动能使商品供求均衡;资本的价格——利率的变动能使储蓄与投资趋于均衡;劳动力的价格——工资的涨跌能使劳工市场供求平衡,实现充分就业。因此,一切人为的干预


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