面试常问的40个问题 面试英语10.26--14_40.doc

面试常问的40个问题 面试英语10.26--14_40.doc

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面试常问的40个问题 面试英语10.26--14_40 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“面试英语10.26--14_40”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! May i get started now I have worked in Heilongjiang branch of China Everbright Bank for 3 years I’m a data analyst at the information technology department. My main job is to analyze the data of the bank’s retail business. In the data analysis work has been for two years During the work, I mainly use Teradata and Oracle database I have some base ability of statistical analysis In my company .I had done some data analysis projects With these years working experiences, i always believe that one will lag behind unless he keeps on learning I have deeply understand what I have learned was not enough for my target. so that is the reason why I choose to further my study with the MBA degree. I think I would be an excellent student of your MBA program. OK,that is all,thank you for your attention. 英文考题 为什么选哈工大 I had been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here many years ago, In my opinion, as one of the most famous universities in our country , HIT provides innovative environment for students This is the first reason why I choose HIT HIT is famous for its original style of schooling: ‘Being strict in qualifications for graduates; making every endeavor in educating students.’ When I want to be here because I want to enhance my creativity and innovative abilities. When I graduate from here, I want to be equipped with strong theoretical knowledge and the ability for practical application. 如何理解学习和工作的关系 你要读半脱产还是脱产,为什么 阐述黑龙江的经济环境 介绍一本小说 汉:从小到大我只看过两本小说,一本是《数字城堡》,另一部就是近两年很火的《三体》 《三体》分为三部曲,它虽然是科幻小说,但是故事的每一步伴随着很严密的天文学、物理学、社会学等的知识,我本身也是一个科幻迷,也是一个理论物理爱好者,所以读这部小说感到很惊讶,好像是在看历史书而不是科幻小说。如果你没看过的话,我真的强烈推荐你去买一本。三体在2015年获得了The Science Fiction Achievement Award From small to large, I have only read two novels, one is the “digital Castle”, and the other one is well known in resent years, “ the three body problem” although it is a science fiction story, but every step of the st



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