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四级听力词汇 个人隐私 glance through… 瞟一眼…… reveal oneself to sb.把自己展现给某人 keep a secret保守秘密 an overwhelming pessimism about privacy对隐私感到非常悲观 preserve one’s privacy保护自己的隐私 surrender personal information泄露个人信息 access others’ personal information存取他人的个人信息 look into others’ secrets窥探他人的秘密 disclose / give away one’s identity泄露某人的身份 be frank with / faithful to each other彼此直率 / 忠诚 be curious about others’ affairs对他人的事情感到好奇 shopping preference 购物偏好calling habits 通话习惯 digital bread crumbs 电子琐碎信息 identity theft / fraud身份盗窃 / 敲诈 fall into the wrong hands落入不当之人之手中 personally profit at sb.’ expense让某人付出代价获得个人利益 run up (vast) debts欠下(高额)债务 out-of-pocket financial losses白花钱的经济损失 restore one’s reputation恢复某人的名誉 unwanted calls骚扰电话 unwelcome emails垃圾邮件 privacy protection隐私保护 safeguard one’s information保护某人的信息 assume risks承担风险 conceal / safeguard one’s identity掩藏 / 保护某人的身份 confidential information机密信息 (cause) immediate financial losses(造成)直接经济损失 环境、全球变暖 cut back / relieve / solve) global warming(削减/缓解 / 解决)全球变暖 a path to a solution解决问题的途径 major technological breakthroughs重大技术突破 adopt rigid restrictions / measure on… 对……采取强硬限制 / 措施 take serious steps to do sth.采取强硬措施做某事 adopt (tough) measures to do sth.采取(强硬)措施做某事 bring sth. under control控制住某事物 a potential disaster潜在的灾难 inconvenient truth 不愿面对的事实 cause sb. (many) inconveniences给某人造成(很多)不便 solemn-sounding commitment 冠冕堂皇的承诺 Kyoto Protocol 《京都议定书》 greenhouse emission 温室气体排放 signatory 签字国,签约人 商业、经济 settle one’s disputes with sb.解决与某人的争执 voice one’s dissatisfaction to sb.向某人表示不满 snowball effect滚雪球效应 relieve the headaches减轻头疼 preach 宣扬,鼓吹 parking lot 停车场 out-of-stock 脱销 check-out 结账 peak shopping hours 购物高峰 moonlighting 业余兼职 广告媒体 advertising agency 广告代理商 out-of-home advertising 户外广告 outdoor bill-boards 户外广告牌 direct mail 直邮 homogeneous 具有共同特点的 national circulation 全国发行量 bus shelter 候车亭 newsstand 报摊,杂志摊 on-the-go consumer 途中的顾客 健康 regular check-up / health checks定期体检 die from / of (cancer)死于癌症 make it to the end of your natural term有幸自然死亡 take risks冒险


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