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日本妖怪文化研究 摘要:中日两国一衣带水,自古以来两国就有着密切的关系,或和平、或战争,或从属,或敌对。从唐朝时期的互通,到近代的抗日战争,日本作为一个岛国,它一直都在学习、效仿着它身边的大国——中国,日本对中国的研究也从来都未停止过,日本作为四面环海的岛国,地域的狭小和地震、海啸、火山喷发等一系列自然灾害频繁,其本民族与生俱来的危机感和压抑感可以说是一直植根于每个日本人心中的。日本在文化压力和地理压力的双重作用下,造成了其矛盾的性格特点。日本人无从宣泄压力的同时,就“创造”“建构”出很多种妖怪。妖怪从某一角度来说可以作为人类文明与自然生态的沟通者与调节者。而现代人其实是在借助妖怪对现实中对应的个人、经济、政治、环境等社会各种现实的思考。 本选题希望通过从民俗文化的角度研究中日两国妖怪文化,发现其特定的历史价值,从学科本位出发,研究中国传统妖怪文化传播到日本后与本土文化相嫁接,而后被其充分吸收,并且传承下来。有人的地方就有文化,就有民俗,民俗是活态的,是日常生活的体现。现代年轻人对于妖怪的接受程度以及人们对妖怪的认知的改变,人们对妖怪的接受能力以及妖怪对人的影响都是互动的。人们对于妖怪的观念会随着时代的改变而发生一系列变化,想通过对日本传统妖怪文化的研究发现反作用于中国传统妖怪文化时发生了哪些变异影响。 关键字:妖怪文化;历史传承;人类文明;民族文化 Abstract China and Japan narrow strip of water , since ancient times , the two countries have a close relationship , or peace , or war , or slave , or hostile . Interoperability from the Tang Dynasty to modern Sino-Japanese War , Japan , as an island , it has been in the study, to emulate it around the major powers - China , Japan never none stop , Japan, as the island nation surrounded by the sea , frequent small geographical and a series of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis , volcanic eruptions , their nation s inherent sense of crisis and sense of oppression It can be said to have been rooted in the hearts of every Japanese . Japan in the dual role of the cultural pressures and geography pressure , resulting in its contradictory character . Japanese no way to vent the pressure at the same time , create , construct a variety of monsters . Monster from a point of view can be used as a communication regulator of human civilization and the natural ecosystems . Modern man in fact with the monsters of the personal , economic , political , environmental and social reality in the corresponding variety of realistic thinking. The topics studied from the point of view of the folk culture and Japanese monster culture found its particular historical value , starting from the subject oriented research phase grafting Chinese traditional monster culture spread to Japan and the


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