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正方一辩陈述本方观点:从人类发展的终极目标看,我们要彻底地解决环境问题,必须要标本兼治。要治本,必须优先发展经济,从根本上优化经济结构堵住产生环境问题的源头,要治标,同样要优先发展经济,为解决眼前的环境问题提供技术、资金等支持,只有这样,才能为人类生存和发展提供环境保障。 From the ultimate goal of human development, we need to address both the symptoms and root causes to solve the environmental problems thoroughly. To effect a permanent cure, we must give first priority to the development of economy, and optimize the economic structure fundamentally to block the source of the environment problems;To take temporary solution,we also should give priority to the development of economy, so that we have the technology, capital and other supports for solving the environmental problems. Only in this way can environment protection be provided for human survival and development. 反方一辩陈述本方观点:经济发展是指社会能够提供丰裕的商品来改善人类的物质生活,环境保护则是采取一定的政策措施来保护生态平衡。经济要发展意味着企业需要更多的厂房与原材料来保障商品的供应——那便存在一个问题:自然分给人类的土地与原材料是有限,经济优先发展就一定会侵占原本不属于人类的自然资源。 The economic development refers to society can provide abundant commodity to improve human material life; environmental protection is to take certain policy measures to protect the ecological balance. economic development means that companies need more workshop and raw materials to ensure the supply of goods——then there is a problem, that is nature land and raw materials to human is limited, economic priority development will occupy nature resources which originally do not belong to the human. 二辩盘问 Two debate questioned 反方二辩:请问对方一辩,经济是一时之事,环境是万代之事,哪个重要?经济发展慢了,人们还可以吃到饭,环境没了,还能生存吗? My fellow debaters ,please allow me to ask. The economy is the temporary matter, but the environment is of the ten thousand generation, which one is more important? When Economic develops slowly, people can also eat rice; how can we still survive if there is no environment. 正方一辩:不好意思对方辩友,恐怕我们今天讨论的重点是优先权。并不是说经济优先就不搞环保了,只是环保处于较次的位置,跟中国现状一样,政策虽然说要重视环保,但一般县区还是经济发展优先的,也就有资本的大城市才比较重视搞环保,相信大家心知肚明 Sorry, Im afraid the key points we debate today are the right of priority. Economy development first does not mean totally ignor


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