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话题4. How to improve health? 一、模拟命题: Directions: For this part, youre allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on How to improve health. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 图1 二、单句翻译 (一)首段描述图片并引入主题 The lack of exercise / heavy working load / unhealthy eating habit 1、描述图片:(因为。。。健康状况很糟。) As it’s vividly depicted in the picture, ( ) are threatening the health of many young people. …, ( ) are three major factors threatening … 2、随着生活水平的提高,健康问题越来越受到重视。 Pay attention to / Attach importance to Place stress on / lay emphasis on Make a point of doing sth With the imporvement of living standard, people ( ) their health. Health-conscious adj. People become more health-conscious. = = people become more aware of the importance of health. Energy-conscious With the rapid development of economy, people’s living standard has imporved greatly, and compared with people in the past, modern (people pay more attention to their health. ) 3、众所周知,没有了健康,人就很难有所成就或难以享受自己的所得。 As we all know, without good health, one can hardly make any achievement or enjoy what he achieved. One can hardly succeed in doing anything Without self-confidence, 4、如何改善健康成了一个热点问题。 How to improve health has become a hot issue. (二)第二段展开具体论述 5、总的说来,健康与人的生活习惯息息相关。具体而言,与健康相关的生活习惯涉及饮食、运动及情绪。 Generally speaking, heath is closely related to a person’s living habits. To be specific, the habits refer to the diet, exercise as well as emotion. There is no doubt that health is closely related to a person’s living habits, especially in terms of the diet, exercise and emotion. 6、有许多方法可以改善健康,以下的是比较基础的三种方法。 There are three ways to improve health. There are many ways to improve health, while the following are three essential ones. 7、首先,我们应该保持均衡的饮食以便有合理的营养摄入。这为保持健康体魄打下坚实的基础。 We should keep a balanced diet so that we could


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