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The Norman Monarchy I). Historical Background 1. Norman Conquest accelerated the development of feudalism in England. The Norman Conquest In the year 1066, at the battle of Hastings, the Normans were headed by William and Duke of Normandy, and finally they defeated the Anglo-Saxons. Originally the Normans were a hardy race of sea rovers who were inhabiting in Scandinavia. In 10th century, they conquered a part of northern France, which is called Normandy. . The Battle of Hastings 1066 Leader:William, the Duke of Norman Result: Anglo-Saxon was defeated. William was crowned as the king of England. Norman Conquest marks the establishment of feudalism in England. Politic Languages Literature (Romances) 2. The Consequence of the Norman Conquest  Politically, a feudalist system was established. Religiously, the Rome-backed Catholic Church had a stronger control over the country. Three languages co-existed in England. ---The conquest opened up England to the whole European continent. 第二章 诺曼王朝 (The Norman Monarchy,1066-1154) 第一节 征服者威廉 (William I, 1066-1087在位) 第二节 “鲁弗斯”——威廉二世 (William II,1087-1100在位) 第三节 亨利一世(Henry I,1100-1135在位) 第四节 斯蒂芬(Stephen,1135-1154在位) “鲁弗斯”——威廉二世 (William II,1087-1100在位) 亨利一世 (Henry I,1100-1135在位) 贤明者” Thank you! * * * * ●末日审判书(Domesday Book) ●索尔兹伯里盟誓 William I, 1066-1087 Extended policies and grip Dealt with other things Stephen, 1135-1154在位 内战1141-1149年与玛蒂尔达的王位之战 马蒂尔达的儿子亨利·金雀花Henry Plantagenet为继承人。玛蒂尔达的儿子亨利最终得以继承王位,一个新的王朝——金雀花王朝开启了。



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