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B1400带式输送机刮水器设计 摘 要 带式输送机是连续运输机中效率最高、使用最普遍的一种机型。带式输送机广泛应用于火电厂、采矿、冶金、港口等部门。 带式输送机刮水器是带式输送机的辅助设备,该设备主要安装在料场露天输送带的头部和尾部,在启动时将带式输送机输送带上积存的雨水及时刮掉,避免积存在输送带上的雨水进入物料,影响物料的性质。该设备结构简单、维修方便、造价低、能耗少、适应性强。 本设计中,通过分析、比较,选用电动推杆作为驱动机构,电动推杆具有动作灵敏、平稳、可靠、无噪声、体积小、重量轻、推拉力大、速度范围广、耗能小、装卸方便、价格低廉等优点。确定总的设计方案后,进行平托辊、拉杆、托辊支架、电动推杆、电动推杆支架、推杆支座、活节螺栓等的结构设计,以及各种标准件的选择。本设计的刮水器采用托辊将水刮下,其优点是摩擦小、对输送带的损伤小,是对传统的犁式刮水器的一种突破。 关键词:输送带输送机;犁式刮水器;托辊 The Design of wipers of B1400 Belt Conveyor Abstract The belt conveyor is the most efficient and the most commonly machine in continuous transport device. It is widely used in thermal power plant, mining, metallurgy, the port and so on. The wipers of belt conveyor are belt conveyor’s auxiliary equipment. The equipment is mainly installed in the open yard of the head and tail belt. It is used to scratch-off water in time to avoid the water into materials so that affect the nature of materials when the belt conveyor starts. The device has a simple structure, easy maintenance, low cost and low power consumption, adaptability. In this design, motorized fader is selected as the drive mechanism through analysis and comparison. Its advantages are action sensitive, stable, reliable, no noise, small size, light weight, big push pull, wide speed range, easy handling, low price. After determining the total design, design the structure of pinto roller, rod, roller frame, electric putt, putt electric frame, putting support, live section bolts and choose standard parts, tolerance level. The design of the wipers use roller-type, its advantages are small friction, small injury. It is a breakthrough in the traditional plow relative wipers. Keywords: conveyor belt; wipers plow; roller 目 录 摘要 ………………………………………………………………………… I Abstract ………………………………………………………………… II 1 绪论 …………………………………………………………………… 1 1.1 带式输送机刮水器概述 ………………………………………… 1 1.2 带式输送机刮水器存在的问题 ………………………………… 2 1.3 本课题主要研究的内容 ………………………………………… 2 2 设计过程 …………………………………………………………… 4 2.1 槽型托辊架设计 …………………………………………………


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