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摘 要 桩基础是人类在软弱地基上建造建筑物的一种创造,是最古老、最基本的一种基础类型,也是目前土木工程中利用最为广泛的一种,高层建筑占到70%以上。在工程设计当中,利用土木工程力学方面的知识进行合理的桩基础设计是很重要、很有基础性意义的工作。如何选择合理的桩基础形式,对于保证安全,节约投资、降低造价起着举足轻重的作用。在本文中笔者根据上部结构荷载和场地地质条件,确定了桩型、桩几何尺寸和承台埋深,然后进行桩基计算:分析计算了单桩竖向极限承载力标准值、单桩竖向承载力特征值和复合基桩竖向承载力设计值,确定了桩数及承台底面尺寸;通过桩身结构设计计算确定桩身配筋;再进行了桩顶作用验算、基桩承载力验算和单桩桩身强度验算;接着进行承台设计:通过受弯计算确定承台配筋,通过受冲切验算桩基承台厚度及受剪验算、桩基础沉降验算;最后根据《建筑桩基技术规范JGJ94-2008》介绍了桩基础施工及工程质量检查和验收的过程,并绘制了施工图。 关键词:1. 预制桩基础 2.承台设计 3.沉降验算 4.基桩承载力验算 5.施工操作 Abstract Pile foundation is a kind of creation of human buildings on soft soil foundation, is a type of foundation is the oldest, the most basic, but also in civil engineering at present by using one of the most extensive, high-rise buildings accounted for more than 70%. In the engineering design, the civil engineering mechanics knowledge pile foundation design is very important, it is the basic meaning of work. Piles foundation, how to choose a reasonable, to ensure safety, save investment, reduce the cost of play a decisive role. In this paper the author according to the upper structure load and the geological condition, to determine the type of pile, pile cap dimension and depth, then the calculation of pile foundation: analysis and calculation of the value, the bearing capacity of single pile vertical ultimate vertical bearing capacity of single pile bearing capacity design value and the value of composite pile vertical, determine the number of piles and the size of the pier; pile structure design calculation of pile reinforcement; then the checking of bearing capacity and strength of single pile and pile top settlement calculation checking , effect of pile foundation ; then the platform design: the flexural calculation to determine the pile reinforcement, the punching and shearing calculation, checking the pile cap thickness; finally, according to the technical code for building pile foundation JGJ94-2008 introduced the process of pile foundation construction and engineering quality inspection and acceptance, a


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