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试论中国的法制现代化. nbsp;nbsp; 摘要:法制现代化是社会主义现代化的重要内容,是从传统法制向现代法制转化的过程,其目标在于实现现代法治。中国法制现代化是一项艰巨的历史任务,当前中国法制现代化面临着巨大的挑战和难得的机遇。继续加强社会主义法制建设,建设适应社会主义市场经济发展、社会全面进步和全球化新形势的社会主义法制现代化,促进社会全面发展。本文在全面解读了现代化、法制和法制现代化之后,认识中国法制现代化呈现出独特的特征:由被动接受到主动选择;借鉴西方法制现代化的先进经验到建立有中国特色的社会主义法律制度;法的现代化的启动形式是立法主导型;法律制度变革在前,法律观念更新在后,思想领域斗争激烈等等。中国的法制现代化虽然取得了一些成绩,但是也存在着缺憾,特别是深受苏联法制模式的不利影响,所以在今后的法制建设过程中,要接受教训、吸取经验,要走有中国特色的法治现代化道路。主义建设事业意义重大。本文探讨了在中国现阶段建设社会主义法治国家的策略,在实践的层面提出了一些政策建议。 nbsp;nbsp; 关键词:法制现代化;现代化;现代法治 nbsp;nbsp; Abstract nbsp;nbsp; Legality modernization is the content of socialistic modernization,it is a process of transformation from conventional legal system to modern rule of law. Realizing the legality modernization of China is an arduous historical task. The legality modernization of China is confronted with the tremendous challenges as well as hard-won opportunities. Strengthen the construction of legality modernization continuously and establish the modern socialistic legal system in order to promote the full development of the socialistic nation.its full interpretation of the concepts such as modernization, legalsystem and legality modernization. Chinese legal modernization have appears distinctive character:for example from receive passive to active choose; use for reference western legal modernization advanced experiences to build socialism law system of Chinese characteristic;law modernization start-up mode is legislation dominant mode;Afore law system reform and law ideal update behind, ideal fields struggle sharply etc. wenbsp; learn the modernization of law system acquires some achievement, it still have limitations, especially suffer unfavorable influence, so we should accept these lessons and absorb experiences in the following periods of the legal construction, we must go ourselves rule by law modernization roads of Chinese characteristic. the disquisition makes an exploration into the strategy to build the socialistic nation ruled by law and then prov


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