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Blob是天气异常变化主因?No.9参考消息2016/7/10 p.7 Blob是天气异常变化主因?英国每日邮报The Blob overshadows El Nino Daily Mail July 6, 2016※参考消息译文:【英国《每日邮报》7月7日报道】题:研究人员说天气异常变化应归咎于“blob” July 6, 2016 The Blob and El Ni?o are on their way out, leaving a disrupted marine ecosystem behind. Credit: Michael Jacox El Ni?o exerted powerful effects around the globe in the last year, eroding California beaches; driving drought in northern South America, Africa and Asia; and bringing record rain to the U.S. Pacific Northwest and southern South America. In the Pacific Ocean off the West Coast, however, the California Current Ecosystem was already unsettled by an unusual pattern of warming popularly known as The Blob. New research based on ocean models and near real-time data from autonomous gliders indicates that the The Blob and El Ni?o together strongly depressed productivity off the West Coast, with The Blob driving most of the impact. The research published in the journalGeophysical Research Letters?by scientists from NOAA Fisheries, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and University of California, Santa Cruz is among the first to assess the marine effects of the 2015-2016 El Ni?o off the West Coast of the United States. Last year there was a lot of speculation about the consequences of The Blob and El Ni?o battling it out off the U.S. West Coast, said lead author Michael Jacox, of UC Santa Cruz and NOAA Fisheries Southwest Fisheries Science Center. We found that off California El Ni?o turned out to be much weaker than expected, The Blob continued to be a dominant force, and the two of them together had strongly negative impacts on marine productivity. Now, both The Blob and El Ni?o are on their way out, but in their wake lies a heavily disrupted ecosystem, Jacox said. Unusually warm ocean temperatures that took on the name, The Blob, began affecting waters off the West Coast in late 2013. Warm conditions - whether driven by the Blob or El Ni?o - slow the flow of nutrients from the deep ocean, reducin


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