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五年级牛津英语作文 牛津英语五年级上册练习册作文 B5 正反60份 第一/二单元 (1)以 my …为题, 介绍你的家庭成员或你的好朋友,并描述他们的职业。 (2)向朋友介绍你的爸爸 ,描述他的职业及采取哪种方式上班或上学。 要求: 条理清楚,语气通顺 字迹工整 语法规范。不少于40词。 My father(grandpa/grandma/sister/ friend/teacher…) Up till now, I have known many people.best. a round face. There is always smile on his/her face. He/ She goes to work(school) by car every day. I love my father. 第六单元作文 现在是星期日的上午十一点。 看一看, 你和你的家人都正在做什么? 根据所给的词写一段话进行描述。(doing homework,watching TV, washing clothes, cooking dinner, bedroom, living room , bathroom, kitchen) 要求:1.字迹工整,语句通顺。 2. 不少于50词。 My family It is Sunday . It is 11 oclock now . My family are staying at home. My grandpa is reading newspaper in the living room. My grandma is watching TV . My father is washing clothes. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen . I am doing homework . What a busy day ! 第七单元作文 以my holiday 为题,根据所给的提示词完成一篇小作文。 (Sunday ,hot, go to the park ,fly a kite, happy) My Holiday It is Sunday today . My holiday is coming . It is a beautiful day. The sky is blue and and the clouds are white. I go to the park with my family. My father and my mother are taking a walk. My sister and I are playing . We are very happy. 第九单元 根据下列图示,写一篇短文或一段对话。 A. 如果你在A处要到邮局寄信。 B. 在B处你要到图书馆看书。 C. 在C处你要到公园去玩。 请你选择其中的一处地方把路线描述出来。 A: Excuse me, Is the post office far from here. B. No, it isnt . It’s quite near. A. How do I get to the post office? B. Go along sixth ave . Turn right at the first crossing . Go along Green Street. Then you can see it on your right. A:Thank you very much . B.You’re very much. 第十一单元 以节约用。。。为题,写一篇小短文。(不少于30词)(10分) SaveWater Water is very useful. We use water to wash our hands. We use water to wash vegetables and clothes too. Farmers use water to grow crops. Firemen use water to put out fires. But there is less fresh water in the world. So we must save the water. 第十二单元 制定家庭安全防火规则。(不少于5句) Fire rules at home What mustnt we do at home 1. Don’t play with matches . 2. Don’t play near fires


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