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元旦晚会英语作文 请为你校的校长写一篇新年晚会致辞。发言稿包括以下内容: 1)对于所有来宾表示新年的祝福; 2)回顾过去一年,学校在科研、教学等方面取得的成绩; 3)这些成绩与学校全体教师的努力是分不开的,特别要感谢外国朋友,他们给予学校很多的帮助; 4)预祝在新的一年里工作顺利、身体健康。干杯! Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, Good evening, everyone! Please accept my new year greetings! The footsteps of 2012 have been drifting away, we will bid farewell to a period of unforgettable days and welcome the coming of 2013, a completely new day. Here, I am honored on behalf of xinyang normal university to extend warmest greetings and best wishes to all the teachers working hard in the first line of education and all the diligent students. I am very happy to see so many foreign professors, teachers, students and friends here to celebrate the arrival of the new year. And also I am delighted to have with us this evening. Looking back on the past year, with the joint efforts of all the faculty members and students we have made dominant achievements in both research and teaching field. Some of research and teaching programs have won awards at the national or provincial levels. We also owe these achievements to our colleagues and our foreign friends. Today, please allow me to take this opportunity to express my thanks to you for what you have done for our university. Finally, wish everybody good heath and success in the new year. Now let me propose a toast. Happy new year! 篇二:学校元旦晚会的英语主持词 2014即将成为历史,时光匆匆滑过2011的天际线,2012的新年将至,公司,学校各种行业都会举行迎新年的晚会,如果有外宾参加,免不了是双语轮换的主持方式。此贴是特别为晚会主持人准备的,中英对照。 男:新年的钟声就要敲响,庆典的序曲正要奏响。 The bell for the new year is soon to strike; The overture for the ceremony is soon to play. 女:让我们伴着管乐队的乐曲,祝福我们的祖国更加强大昌盛,祝福我们的祖国。 With the accompaniment music of our band, let’s wish our motherland more prosperity and our Country 合:更加郁郁葱葱。 More verdure . 女:新春的脚步已在耳畔响起。 The footsteps of the new spring are nearer and nearer. 男:是啊,春天是“春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来”。 Yes, you are right. 女:春天是“西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥”。 男:盼新春,望新春,道不尽心中憧憬无限。 Looking forward to the coming of the new spring, we are ful


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