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英文商务会议欢迎词 第一届武汉总领馆美国国庆招待晚会欢迎词(中英对照) Welcoming Remarks at First ConGen Wuhan July 4th Reception by US Consul General to Wuhan Wendy Lyle July 4th, 2008 在第一届武汉总领馆美国国庆招待晚会所致的欢迎词 美国驻武汉领事馆总领事 白小琳 2008年7月4日 Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! I am Wendy Lyle, the U.S. Consul General in Wuhan and the moderator of tonight’s reception. 大家好!我是白小琳,美国驻武汉总领事,也是今天晚上美国国庆招待会的主持人。 On behalf of the U.S. Consulate General in Wuhan, I would like to extend a hearty welcome to all of you-- Vice Governor Tian Chengzhong of Hubei; Deputy Mayor Yue Yong of Wuhan ; French Consul General; senior officials from all four provinces of the Wuhan Consular District; mayors and deputy mayors and senior government officials of 13 cities in central China;presidents, professors and students from 14 universities;members of Wuhan art community; my dear friends from Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Wuhan Tiandi; my good colleagues from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing; and distinguished representatives of Beijing and Wuhan American business communities. 我谨代表美国驻武汉总领馆,竭诚欢迎大家! 欢迎田承忠副省长;法国总领事费勇;湖北,湖南,江西,河南省政府的领导;代表武汉,鄂州,荆州,宜昌,襄樊,长沙,岳阳,湘潭,南昌,九江,郑州,开封 与洛阳的书记,市长,副市长和其他市政府领导; 代表十四所中部高等学府, 包括武汉大学,华中科技大学,中国地质大学,华中农业大学,华中师范大学,中南财经政法大学,中南民族大学,湖北大学,江汉大学,湖北美术学院,长江大 学,南昌大学,和湖南女子大学的校长,副校长,老师和同学;武汉文化艺术界的知名人士,从深圳, 香港和武汉天地来的好朋友,从北京使馆来的好同事, 还有代表北京和武汉美国商业界的贵宾们。 Before we begin tonight’s reception, let’s take a moment to commemorate all the victims of the tragic Wenchuan Earthquake and pay tribute to the American and Chinese people who have shown such courage to help the victims recover from the tragedy and rebuild their communities. To date, total U.S. Government assistance to China is valued at nearly $3.7 million. The U.S. private sector has provided more than $102 million in cash and in-kind contributions to Chinese response efforts. On June 29, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited the disaster zone and praised Chinas post-quake recovery efforts.She told the reporters afterwards, Im really impressed by the recovery


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