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电动助力转向系统的设计(初稿) 重庆大学工程硕士学位论文:师:兼职导师:: 重庆大学机械工程学院 二O年月Research on construction design and comprehensive evaluation about H logistics park in ChongQing. A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Engineering By Wang Chen Supervisor by Prof. Zhu Cai Chao Pluralistic Supervisor by Senior Eng.Mao You Jun Major: Mechanical Engineering College of Mechanical Engineering Chongqing University August 2011 摘 要 铝护套作为高压电缆生产工艺中的重要环节之一,具有铠装、静电屏蔽、阻水和导通故障电流等多种作用。铝护套的质量对保证电缆的安全运行有着重要的作用ABSTRACT Today, logistics centre as one important joint of the logistics system plays important role in the network construction in the global economic integration, regional economic integration, planning, designing and constructing a radiational function of the logistics centre, has both important significant for government, business and for the public, which is the motivation of this article. Logistics centre contains much content, from market research, the choice of size and address to the internal and external layout and infrastructure construction, to the operation of positioning and business model of the project, our design and construction of logistics centre started late, the mature logistics centre we can use for reference are less, even it is, It is not completely on the reference copied. Logistics centre a large-scale real estate projects requires system design and planning, all-embracing project introduced is difficulty, so the article focuses on the design of the overall idea of the centre as well as internal and external planning and design . This article relies on the Yuxi modern integrated logistics centre construction projects, mainly introduces the construction of a logistics centre design and comprehensive evaluation. Based on in-depth analysis of the construction of YUXI logistics parks necessity and feasibility, use Logistics Park and Planning theories, method to formate Park Pl


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