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新型城镇化建设中基层政府职能的问题研究 ──以山西省万荣县为例 摘要:自十八大以来,新型城镇化再度被提升为当前国家发展的重要战略,各地方政府也积极寻求城镇化发展的新型模式,力求改变以往传统意义上的以“土地城镇化”为核心的发展模式,真正实现新时期我国社会发展的新型城镇化,即“人的城镇化”。本文主要包括新型城镇化基本情况概述、新型城镇化建设中万荣县的基本情况及其政府职能运作现状,以及针对具体问题提出的一些措施等内容。通过对以上内容的简单论述,来说明我国新型城镇化建设中基层政府是如何优化其职能做到高效廉洁的,进而在各种力量的推动之下促进新时期我国城镇化建设的可持续发展,并最终实现中华民族的伟大复兴,实现国人之共同愿望──中国梦。 关键词:基层政府;新型城镇化建设;提升对策 The Functions of the Government at the Grass-roots Level in the Construction of the New Urbanization Problems and Countermeasures Research Abstract: Since the eighteenth national congress of the communist party, new urbanization was promoted to the important strategy of national development, local governments are also actively seeking new model of the development of urbanization, makes every effort to change the traditional sense of the past to the developing mode of land urbanization as the core, realize a new type of urbanization development of Chinese society in the new period, namely the urbanization. This article mainly includes the new summary of the basic situation of urbanization, the basic situation of the construction of the new urbanization and functions of the government operation present situation, and puts forward some measures for the specific problem. Simple, through the above content to explain our country basic unit government in the construction of the new urbanization is how to optimize its functions do efficient and clean, then under the impetus of the forces to promote the sustainable development of our country urbanization construction in the new period, and finally realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, realize the common aspiration of people ─ the Chinese dream. Key words: Basic-level Government; the New Urbanization Construction; Promotion Countermeasure 目 录 引言 1 一、新型城镇化建设基本情况概述 1 (一)新型城镇化的内涵 1 (二)新型城镇化建设中的基层政府职能定位 2 1、切实处理好市场与政府的关系 2 2、完善财政监管体制 2 3、加强农村文化建设,贯彻落实科教兴国战略 2 4、构建完善的公共服务体系 3 (三)新型城镇化建设中优化政府职能的必要性 3 1、优化政府职能有利于促进城镇化的健康发展 3 2、优化政府职能是缩小城乡差距的必要手段 3 3、优化政府职能有利于城乡经济的可


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