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学英语的人都知道,莎士比亚为英语词汇的发展做出了卓越的贡献,我们现在使用的很多词汇和表达都是源于莎翁的作品,比如salad days、green-eyed monster等。今天,我们就为大家盘点出源自于莎士比亚作品的10个常用短语,看过之后会不会立马觉得这些短语高大上了呢?1. Green-Eyed Monster嫉妒How Shakespeare used it:The evil Iago plants doubts in Othellos mind about his wifes faithfulness, while advising him, O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! / It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock / The meat it feeds on. (Othello, Act 3, Scene 3)莎士比亚原文:邪恶的伊阿古让奥赛罗对妻子的忠心起了疑心,提醒他说,“噢,大人,要小心嫉妒之心!那可是一只绿眼的妖魔,它惯于耍弄爪下的猎物。”(《奥赛罗》,第3幕第3场)现代例句:.... if jealousy wasnt a factor, three out of every four married people were highly satisfied with the emotional facets of their marriage. However, when the green-eyed monster entered the mix, levels of satisfaction dropped to less than half for married folk. — Michelle Lodge, HealthD, Feb. 12, 20102. In a Pickle处于困境How Shakespeare used it:In The Tempest, King Alonso asks his jester, Trinculo, How camest thou in this pickle? And the drunk Trinculo – who has indeed gotten into trouble – responds I have been in such a pickle since I saw you last ... (Act 5, Scene 1)莎士比亚原文:在《暴风雨》中,那不勒斯国王阿朗索问他的弄臣特林鸠罗,“你怎么让自己到这般境地了?”的确深陷困境且已烂醉的特林鸠罗回答说:“我自从上次参见过您之后就一直处于这般境地了…”(第5幕第1场)One theory has it that the phrase in a pickle entered English from an old Dutch expression that translates as something like sit in the pickle.有一种说法认为in a pickle这个短语来源于一个古代的荷兰语表达,类似于“坐在咸菜缸”里这样一个说法。现代例句:Has the NYT got itself into a pickle over digital editions on Kindle and iPad? — adamhodgkin on Twitter, May 6, 20103. Love Is Blind爱是盲目的This phrase has more than one meaning: we overlook flaws in those we love (thats good), but love can blind us to serious issues (thats bad).这个短语的意思是:我们会忽略我们爱的人身上的缺点(这点不错);爱会让我们忽视一些严重的问题(这就不好了)。How Shakespeare used it:In The Merchant of Venice, Jessica is shy about her beloved Lorenzo seeing her disguised as a boy, but recognizes that it wont affect his love for her, saying, But love is blind and lovers cannot see / The pretty follies that themselves commit ... (Act 2, Scene 6)莎士比亚原文:在《威尼斯


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